
A Cruel Character Assassination

Chapter Sections

This appendix is a very important addition to Chapter 6 regarding what happens to someone at the global employee performance review—what happens if one doesn’t join Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth company. I should say it’s all about what will not happen, rather than what will.

As I mentioned, I have found that over the last 1,620 years, a cruel character assassination has been taking place by the Kingdom of Adam company. It’s been very devious. These rulers have misled most of the world into believing that Abba Father and Jesus are tyrants. This is because as the good news of Jesus is shared, people hear, at some point, that if one doesn’t accept them there will be consequences. They will put you into a fiery hell where you will be tormented day and night for all eternity.

I have a problem with this, as do Abba Father and Jesus. The issue is the world is told that this outcome is “just” punishment for sin in God’s eyes. Yet, in fact, this is quite the opposite to his laws of justice in the Bible blueprint. The Sabbath law and the Jubilee law are critical, as I have shared in Chapter 6.

This appendix will be in-depth. It’ll include many writings from the Bible blueprint. It’ll include a lot of history. I think you will find though when you are done reading this appendix, you’ll have a deeper confidence that the throne of Jesus is established in his integrity, righteousness, and justice, and that mercy and truth go before his face daily. And you will see how truly unconditional his love is for us.

The Two Sides of the Good News

The good news of the gospel is really the good news of the coming Kingdom of Heaven on Earth being established and all the world being blessed. Normally, though, this is the short version of what most may hear. It can vary, but on average one may hear the message like this:

That Jesus, the son of Abba Father, became flesh and blood to save us from our sins. That he paid all your past, present, and future sin-debts himself on the cross to restore us into loving relationship with Abba Father. That this is a free gift we must receive, so we can’t boast of our own goodness, and when you receive it, congrats. You will go to Heaven when you die.

Now, throughout this book I’ve shown that, in fact, going to Heaven is not the end result. That Heaven will come to earth when Jesus completes the relocation of the head office. This message is the good news of the gospel. However, depending on the person sharing this good news, it might not be so good if one rejects it. One might very well hear the other side of this “good news” as a sort of “last stage warning.” This presents a two-sided gospel. The options being:

Option 1

By choice, acknowledge you are a sinner. Repent (change your mind) to Jesus for your sin-debts. Accept this gift of salvation (redemption of your personal sin-debt). Jesus paid the sin-debt note from Adam and your own personal sin-debts on the cross on your behalf because he loved you so much.

Once you accept this gift, you are under grace (grace meaning that the debt is paid forever). You are now in good standing, and Jesus before Abba Father declares, “Father, I have paid this person’s debt; they are free of it.” You are restored back into a relationship with Abba Father and you become a son or daughter to him, and Jesus becomes the King and CEO of your heart and your life. Congratulations; one day you will go to Heaven and be with him for eternity. So keep calm and carry on!

Option 2

If, finally, you don’t accept this gift of salvation, in the end, Abba Father and Jesus will have no choice but to send you to hell when you die. Because, well, you know … you have free will. In respecting this free will, Abba Father and Jesus cannot override your free will. The only outcome is to be eternally separated from Abba Father in hell.

And, um, yeah, you’ll be tormented and burned eternally in fire. Forever and ever and ever and ever. In the satan’s presence and that of his demons if you choose not … to accept that gift from Jesus … in your active living life. But hey, you have free wil … so it’s your choice where you will finally spend eternity.

Well, quite honestly, that doesn’t sound like good news, does it? If we accept option 1, clearly it’s all good news. Yet if we hear option 2 and look around the world today, then it seems clear there’s going to be billions of people finding themselves roasting in hell for all eternity. I’m not sure about you, but I would struggle to find the good news in this message.

When you combine the two options together as being “the Good News,” then the whole thing seems more like the good news of fear, terror, endless suffering, and torment. If Abba Father is love and Jesus is love, then actually their love is fear. It’s then, by fear and terror that their love draws you to them, not actually the goodness of Abba Father and Jesus.

We have to realistically ask the question: what kind of love is this? As it can’t be unconditional love, can it? What kind of justice is this, as this doesn’t fit with the “an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth” kind of justice? What we find are two interesting outcomes from this option that develop in the hearts and minds of people, probably more subconsciously than we would ever realize:

  1. When we believe that we could never do such a thing for any wrong ever done to us, then what we’re really saying is that we’re making the creator of the universe out to be a tyrant. And we’re more compassionate, caring, fair, and just than he is. If we’re honest with ourselves, we believe we could never do such a thing. What follows is, as R. C. Sproul writes, that we then look to depose God from his sovereignty over our lives and remove him from the throne of our hearts, in effect declaring that we are the god of our lives and nobody else. We certainly don’t want a tyrant to rule our hearts now, do we?1[1] Sproul, R. C. Ethics and the Christian. 1989. p. 20
  3. The other possible outcome is that we may accept Abba Father and Jesus into our lives. Yet we still see this as being in their character. If they’ll do this, then why not help them out? We could declare anybody an enemy of God and justify hating our enemies, whoever we believe them to be. Are there any ideologies or religions out there that do this today? Why not help them on the way to where they are already going? What then, is the reason for Jesus’ own statement, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”?2[2] Matthew 5:44 (English Standard Version) Why would he command this of us when he himself will—if you do not accept his gift—torment and punish us forever in eternity in hell as his enemy. Why? What happens is that hell gives us a greater justification to hate our neighbors and enemies. More than we could ever imagine it would.

If we think about this for a moment, they declared us to be made in their image. They created us humans to create. We create other humans we call children. As mortal parents, we’re not perfect. With that said, even in our child’s worst moments, can we imagine putting our kids into jail forever for the wrongs they do against us?

While they’re being raised to adulthood, hopefully we raise them to be accountable for their actions. But no action would ever justify putting them in jail forever. We even recognize that if this is needed, there’s still a point in time that they’ll have served their jail sentence and be set free.

Furthermore, at some point we all grow up and recognize that our parents hopefully loved us and that their discipline was for good. Hopefully, we stop doing the bad things that they were trying to teach us not to do. How can we believe that this God, who wants us to call him “Father,” to call him “Abba,” could be anything less than what a good father is?

This gospel message doesn’t have two sides to it. There’s only one side. That’s that Jesus died to save the world from all their sin-debts and that it was pronounced “finished” on the cross. Jesus didn’t die to save people from hell. He died to save us from our sins, mortality, and death. It’s a gospel of the restoration of all things back to the Father. Let’s move forward in looking at the history of this horrible character assassination.

History of the Character Assassination

Now one may be wondering: where does the source of this view of hell and eternal torment come from? How can so many believe it? Well, many people today are waking to the origins that this belief is a construct of humanity’s inherent weaknesses—and often, sadly, hearts who want to see their enemies suffering. Ultimately, it comes from the influence of Egyptian and Greek pagan traditions. In fact, these influence most religions in some way or another.

Studying history, we see that originally the gospel went forth from Judea, from a people who were the Southern Tribe of Judah. A people who were part of the twelve Tribes of Israel. These people were Judeans. In the historic city called Antioch, they were the first to be called Christians. They were Hebrews and had a Hebrew mentality and mindset.

However, over the first two centuries, as Greeks came into the KoHeavenEarth company, they brought their Greek mentality and mindset with them. They brought a lot of their biased ideas behind various words and their meanings as well. You see, language and culture plays a huge part in this. Hebrew has original concepts. Greek does not.

When using other words from other languages with pre-built connotations, it’s difficult to discern the source if you’ve lost all connection and understanding of an original word. The new blueprint writers, though they were Hebrews, wrote in Greek to express their Hebrew concepts. You can only imagine the impact over time of such an action. Even though Rome ruled the lands, Greek was still the de facto global language of the day in most of the empire.

After the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 by Titus and the Roman army, the Romans exiled all Judeans from Jerusalem and the land. The Christian Judeans melded into the surrounding nations. Over time, they lost their Hebrew roots. Greeks read the inspired words of Jesus and the Hebrew concepts allegorically, rather than in a historical way. This is because Greek mythologies and philosophies were very allegorical in their interpretations.

These Greek mindsets changed how the writings were understood. Eventually, the Hebrew mindset and understanding became lost or ignored as the original apostles and disciples passed away. The Greeks weren’t capable of understanding true Hebrew thought. In the end, eternal torment teachings are historically linked to the Egyptian and Greek mythologies about the afterlife.

These include eternal punishment and the concept of the immortal soul, and the concept that physical matter is evil but spirit is good. Hades in Greek and Egyptian mythology is a place of never-ending fire and torment. The usage of that Greek word Hades (ᾅδου) was always meant to express the concept of the Hebrew word Sheol (שְׁאוֹל). Sheol is the place of the dead. There is never fire and burning in it, nor life, nor suffering. It’s the place where we go to sleep until the resurrection of our bodies by Jesus at his return.

These concepts were espoused by people such as Socrates (470–399 BC), Plato (~423–347 BC), and Aristotle (384–322 BC). If you study what the Greeks made up in terms of how one could be punished in the afterlife, it’s horrific stuff. Sadly, it all originates from a heart that wanted to see their enemies tortured. These ideas then began to be introduced into Christian thought through people such as Tertullian of Carthage (~AD 155–240), Augustine of Hippo (AD 354–430), Thomas Aquinas (AD 1225–1274), and Dante Alighieri (AD 1265–1321), famous for his work The Divine Comedy (Dante’s Inferno).

Added impact came between AD 312 and AD 380, when Constantine the Great, the emperor of Rome, began transitioning the empire to Christianity. Then, finally, under the rule of Theodosius in AD 380 it became official. The intentions were, of course, very good. However, what transpired is that everyone became Christian in name but not necessarily in heart. They didn’t yet have the important heart conversion, which only comes by experiencing Jesus in your life.

You must accept his payment for your sin-debts and begin a personal relationship with him. One doesn’t just become a Christian because the government says so. What followed is that the Romans, in their desire to maintain order, began interpreting the blueprint in their own way for power and stability. The desire for more political power came and corruption entered in. It was no longer about a relationship with Abba Father and Jesus but a simple mechanism to gain control and power over the masses.

I see this as the moment in time when there was an infiltration of the KoAdam company into the work of the KoHeavenEarth company. They crept in and planted a seed that was a lie. It’s here that the cruel character assassination began over the last 2,000 years.

In my journey, I came across a book written in AD 1855. It’s Thomas B. Thayer’s The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment.3[3] Thayer, Thomas B. The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by James M. Usher This completely changed my thinking and started me on a journey to asking some serious questions. He presented such a strong legal case demonstrating that it’s impossible that this belief originates from Jesus and the Bible blueprint. That it’s impossible for it to come from our creators, who declare themselves “unconditionally loving us.”

What we find is that the tradition and precept of hell were not part of the early Christian congregations for the first 400 years. There are many resources out there that back this up.4[4] Ballou, Hosea. The Ancient History of Universalism: From the Time of the Apostles to Its Condemnation in the Fifth General Council, A. D. 553; With an Appendix, … Doctrine down to the Era of the Reformation. (Z. Baker, 2nd edition, 1842)5[5] Jones, Dr. Stephen E. A Short History of Universal Reconciliation. God’s Kingdom Ministries. May 28, 2015. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. It just takes studying some history. There’s a critical statement Jesus made to the theocratic elite which is still valid today in the twenty-first century:

So the Pharisees and teachers of religious law asked him, “Why don’t your disciples follow our age-old tradition? They eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony.” Jesus replied, “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote,

‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’

For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition.” Then he said, “You skillfully sidestep God’s law in order to hold on to your own tradition.6[6] Mark 7: 5–9 (New Living Translation)

When we read Jesus’ words recorded by the apostle Mark in English, we always interpret it as if Jesus is stating that traditions are bad. This is what he is against. However, to clarify this further, let me explain. The Greek word being translated as “tradition” is parádosis (παράδοσις). This is more closely related to the meaning of “a precept or ordinance.”

Traditions, in and of themselves, can be wonderful things and are, in fact, not bad. Traditions are great in helping us remain anchored and allowing us to remember our history. At the same time, traditions help us to move forward into the future. Yet in this case, if we use the correct understanding that it refers to man-made precepts or rules, we have to be wary. It’s such precepts over time which have come to create a fog over the truth of who Jesus and Abba Father are.

Jesus is stating that they were honoring their own man-made precepts and ordinances over him, period. As a result, he scolded them for this. We also read by the apostle Paul a very important warning to the Colossians using this same Greek word:

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.7[7] Colossians 2:8 (New English Translation)

What we see is that over time such a thing occurred. We have been taken captive by Greek philosophies and high-sounding nonsense, all instigated by the rulers of the KoAdam company. They used Rome by melding a life with Jesus into politics. It became deeply corrupted. These precepts took such deep roots that even with the Protestant Reformation it was never corrected or questioned further.

Now I want to discuss the five legs on which this precept stands. When these get kicked out from beneath it, the whole thing falls apart and reveals the glorious truth. These are:

    1. Humans were not created with immortal souls.
    2. Eternity does not actually exist.
    3. Laws of time never allow for unending debt servitude.
    4. Nowhere does Jesus speak of the English “hell.”
    5. Understanding the lake of fire and fire itself.

1. Humans Were Not Created with Immortal Souls

It’s a grave error to believe, based on the Bible blueprint data, that Jesus created us with something called an “immortal soul.” This idea originates, as I mentioned, from Greek and Egyptian mythologies. These were inspired by the writings of authors like Origen of Alexandria in his Origen De Principiis and Augustine of Hippo in his The City of God and later crystallized by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica. Origen was very fond of Plato, so the philosophies surrounding Platonism greatly influenced Origen’s ideas in the belief in the immortal soul. Over time, they began to be taken deeply into traditions and entrenched in the minds and hearts of anybody who heard them.

Much stems from how one understands the Greek word psuché (ψυχην). As I shared earlier, the writers of the new blueprint used Greek words to express Hebrew concepts. Let’s progress to understanding more clearly that we are not created with immortal souls. We find here the first mention of our formation:

So then Yahweh Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life—and man became a living soul.8[8] Genesis 2:7 (Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible)

In this English translation, which is the Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible, we see that we “became” a living soul, not that we received or were given one or actually had one. The word translated as became is once again the same word I speak about in Appendix 4 in the earth’s formation for version 1.0. The word is hayah (הָיָה). This means to become or became.

Our English word soul, however, should originate with the understanding that it comes from the Hebrew word nephesh (לְנֶפֶשׁ). This properly means a breathing creature.9[9] Strongs h5315. “לְנֶפֶשׁ / nephesh.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. Our entire design all formed together, then, is a living, breathing soul. A soul that is very, very mortal today. Even animals and sea creatures are living souls (Genesis 1:20). I like to give a visual like this: 1 + 2 = 3.

(The dust of the ground) + (The breath of life of Jesus-Yahweh) = (We became a living nephesh (living soul/creature))

I want to give an example. If I want to make a rifle from the 1930s, I must take some metal and some wood. When I form and shape it, it becomes a rifle. You wouldn’t say that the rifle itself is a separate living thing apart from the metal and the wood, would you? A rifle is made up of only two elements.

It is the same here with us. We are made up of only the dust of the earth and the spirit of Jesus-Yahweh. All this, formed together into the shape of our body, mind, heart, blood, and all the components, becomes known as a living, breathing soul or, properly, a nephesh.

We read some very clear statements through the Bible blueprint about this topic, with all words meaning soul being the Hebrew word nephesh:

Jesus-Yahweh: By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.10[10] Genesis 3:19 (English Standard Version)

King Solomon: Then the dust of mortals goes back to the ground as it was before, and the breath of life goes back to Elohim who gave it.11[11] Ecclesiastes 12:7 (Names of God)

The Psalmist: He made a path for His anger; He did not spare their soul from death, But gave their life over to the plague,12[12] Psalms 78:50 (New King James Version)

Job: So that my soul chooseth strangling, Death, rather than these my bones!13[13] Job 7:15 (Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible)

Elihu to Job about Yahweh: If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust.14[14] Job 34:14–15 (New International Version 1984)

Jesus-Yahweh via Ezekiel: Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul who sins shall die.15[15] Ezekiel 18:4 (English Standard Version)

The Psalmist: For the kingdom is Yahweh’s. He is the ruler over the nations. All the rich ones of the earth shall eat and worship. All those who go down to the dust shall bow before him, even he who can’t keep his soul alive.16[16] Psalms 22:28–29 (World English Bible)

Apostle James: let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.17[17] James 5:20 (English Standard Version)

Apostle Paul: All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one flesh of men, and another flesh of beasts, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish. There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one, and the glory of the earthly is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown a perishable body, it is raised an imperishable body; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living soul.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven. As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who are heavenly. Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.18[18] 1 Corinthians 15:39–49 (New American Standard Bible)

The text from Ezekiel is of interest. If Jesus-Yahweh is saying the soul that sins dies, how then, can the soul be immortal and unable to die? We need to listen first to what Jesus-Yahweh is stating, not what tradition holds from Greek and Egyptian mythologies. This is a very brief overview of the topic, revealing that the Bible blueprint does not declare we have an immortal soul. I could write pages about this topic.

In fact, Thomas B. Thayer has written on this subject. If anyone wants to research this further, I suggest this as your starting point. Alone, we see from our CEO and CTO that they never designed us humans to have some immortal soul or any sort of immortality before we are ready for it at the return of Jesus Christ on earth.

One can’t find it anywhere in either the Hebrew or the Greek. Any word meaning immortality being used as an adjective in connection to either nephesh or psuché doesn’t exist. I have searched hard, and it doesn’t exist in the data of the old and new blueprints. There’s never a declaration that the nephesh or psuché has immortality.

When we come to understand that, the entire foundation of the belief in eternal torment rests on us having an immortal soul, and when we learn this isn’t true, then here alone the whole hell topic collapses. Based on the Bible blueprint, there’s no separate third part of us that is immortal. We could discuss in more depth what the soul is, of course. But there is no immortality given to it before the return of Jesus.

The Bible blueprint states that when the dust of the earth was joined to the spirit, we became a living soul. Our entire body, mind, spirit, blood, all of it together became a soul. And at the moment, this soul is exceptionally mortal as organic tech. It’s fleshly. It’s infected with the virus of mortality and death. It’s looking forward to the day that Jesus will return to give us new souls, or rather our new bio-spirit tech bodies, which will then become immortal.

We have now our first leg that has collapsed on the belief of hell and never-ending torment.

2. Eternity Does Not Actually Exist

This might come as a surprising statement. This is a key place where many see a major error was made in translation through the Latin version of the Bible blueprint as it was translated to English. Today there are many literal translations of the Bible blueprint which have this corrected. But in most mainstream English translations, it’s never been corrected. Let’s now explore this topic further.

In almost all of the English translations of the Bible blueprint, we read the words eternity, or eternal, or forever, or forever and ever. Yet these words are always translated from the Greek word aiōn (αἰών). Which, correctly translated into English, is what we know as an eon. It’s defined as an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time.19[19] Dictionary, s.v. “eon.” Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. It’s always connected to time. I will share the words of E. W. Bullinger from his companion study Bible notes in appendix 129:20[20] Bullingers, E. W. “Appendix 129: The Synonymous Words for World, Earth, Etc.” In The Companion Study Bible. (Kregel Publications, Burgundy edition, Mar 19, 1990). (Accessed through e-sword reference library)

Aiōn = an age, or age-time, the duration of which is indefinite, and may be limited or extended as the contest of each occurrence may demand. The root meaning of aiōn (αἰών) is expressed by the Hebrew olam (עוֹלָם) which denotes indefinite unknown or concealed duration; just as we speak of the “patriarchal age,” or “the golden age.” Hence, it has come to denote any given period of time, characterized by a special form of divine administration or dispensation. In the plural we have the Hebrew olamim (עוֹלָמִֽים) and Greek aiōnas (αιώνας) used of ages, or of a succession of age-times, and of an abiding age to age. From this comes the adjective aiōnios (αἰώνιος), used of an unrestricted duration, as distinct from a particular or limited age-time. These age-times must be distinct or they could not be added to, or multiplied, as in the expression aiōns of aiōns. These ages or age-times were all prepared and arranged by God (see Heb 1:2; Heb 11:3); and there is a constant distinction in the New Testament between “this age,” and the “coming age.”

Further, when we review this word, aiōn, in the Greek-English Keyword Concordance of the Concordant Literal Version, we have the following under eon in connection to aiōn:

Eon (Aiōn) = The longest segment of time known in the Scriptures. Seven distinct divisions are indicated, pre-eonian time (2 Tim 1:9), five eons, two of which are future (called the eons of the eons Rev 1:6), and time after the conclusion of the eons (Heb 9:26). “Age” is not a suitable equivalent because it has been spoiled by misuse, being generally applied to an administration. The eons synchronize with the worlds (Eph 2:2), the eons dealing with the time aspect and the worlds with the cosmic aspect or constitution. Used for the remainder of the eon.21[21] “eon / aion.” in Concordant Literal New Testament with Keyword Concordance. 1983. (Concordant Publishing Concern, Michigan. 1983), p. 90.

Listen to the amazing message from Paul to the Ephesians that drives home this word aiōn accurately in the Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible about this purpose or plan and the favor he was given. I do understand it’s not the easiest to read. Yet it is important in its literal translation:

To me, the very least of all saints, was this grace given, to proclaim to the non-Jews [Nations] the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for all what is the administration of the mystery which for ages [αἰώνων] has been hidden in God, who created all things; to the intent that now through the church [Ecclesia] the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places, according to the purpose of the ages [αἰώνων] which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord; in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through our faith in him.22[22] Ephesians 3:8–11 (New Heart English Bible)

The Concordant Literal Version states the last line as such:

in accord with the purpose of the eons [αἰώνων], which He makes in Christ Jesus, our Lord;23[23] Ephesians 3:11 (Concordant Literal Version) + (Greek New Testament)

In Greek: κατὰ πρόθεσιν τῶν αἰώνων [aiōnōn] ἣν ἐποίησεν ἐν τῷ Χριστῷ ᾿Ιησοῦ τῷ Κυρίῳ ἡμῶν.

Abba Father and Jesus have created earth within this product called time. They’ve built into everything “ages or eons of time,” all within specific periods, times, and seasons. A blueprint plan must have timelines. To be eternal means “without a beginning and without an end.” It’s impossible that eternity could start somewhere in the future with the return of Jesus Christ. Time always has a beginning and ending to it. Jesus has managed everything according to the plan or purpose of the ages.

When we look at the various forms in Greek surrounding aiōn, we see that the translators of the King James Version used the following variances: age, course, world, eternal, since the world began, from the beginning of the world, forever, never, ever, for evermore, while the world standeth, for ever and ever, eternal, everlasting, through or before times eternal (before times eternal? How does that work?), and endless. It’s inconceivable how a noun and an adjective that is directly linked to time can be translated in so many ways. We read from G. T. Stevenson in his book Time and Eternity:24[24] Jones, Dr. Stephen E. “Appendix 6: Other Scholars Define Aionion and Olam.” In Creation’s Jubilee. God’s Kingdom Ministries, Aug 6, 2014. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Since, as we have seen, the noun aiōn refers to a period of time, it appears very improbable that the derived adjective aiōnios would indicate infinite duration, nor have we found any evidence in Greek writing to show that such a concept was expressed by this term. (p. 63)

In 1 Cor. 15:22–29 the inspired apostle to the Gentiles transports his readers’ thoughts far into the future, beyond the furthest point envisaged elsewhere in holy writ. After outlining the triumph of the Son of God in bringing all creation under His benign control, Paul sets forth the consummation of the divine plan of the ages in four simple, yet infinitely profound words, “God all in all.” This is our God, purposeful, wise, loving, and almighty, His Son our Lord a triumphant Saviour, Who destroys His enemies by making them friends. (p. 72)

We read from Dr. (Prof.) Marvin Vincent in Word Studies of the New Testament, Vol. IV:24[24] Jones, Dr. Stephen E. “Appendix 6: Other Scholars Define Aionion and Olam.” In Creation’s Jubilee. God’s Kingdom Ministries, Aug 6, 2014. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

The adjective aiōnios in like manner carries the idea of time. Neither the noun nor the adjective in themselves carries the sense of “endless” or “everlasting.” Aiōnios means enduring through or pertaining to a period of time. Out of the 150 instances in the LXX (Septuagint), four-fifths imply limited duration. (p. 59)

“Before the world began” (pro chronōn aiōniōn) literally before eternal times. If it is insisted that aiōniōn means everlasting, this statement is absurd. It is impossible that anything should take place before everlasting times. (p. 291, about 2 Timothy 1:9)

Lastly, one reason that aiōn was and is still so often translated as eternal has to do with the Latin translation of the Bible called the Latin Vulgate. You see, St. Jerome from the Roman church, who was the one that translated the Greek into Latin, used the word aeternea, which in English really does mean eternal. That kind of impact followed with what Peter Brown tells us in his book, Augustine of Hippo. Page 36 states:

Augustine’s failure to learn Greek was a momentous casualty of the late Roman educational system; he will become the only Latin philosopher in antiquity to be virtually ignorant of Greek.

In chapter xxiii, Book XXI of Augustine’s The City of God, he sets forth his argument that the judgment upon the unbelievers would be unending torture in fire. His argument is based on the Latin translation of Matthew 25:46.25[25] Jones, Dr. Stephen E. “The Ages.” In The Restoration of All Things. God’s Kingdom Ministries, Aug 11, 2014. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Compare now the King James Version and the literal versions of the Bible. It’s quite a different statement being made, isn’t it?

GNT: καὶ ἀπελεύσονται οὗτοι εἰς κόλασιν αἰώνιον [aiōnion], οἱ δὲ δίκαιοι εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον [aiōnion].

LATIN: et ibunt hii in supplicium aeternum iusti autem in vitam aeternam.

KJV: And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

CLV: And these shall be coming away into chastening eonian, yet the just into life eonian.

YLT: And these shall go away to punishment age-during, but the righteous to life age-during.

EBR: And, these, shall go away, into, age-abiding, correction, but, the righteous, into, age-abiding, life.

WEY: And these shall go away into the Punishment of the Ages, but the righteous into the Life of the Ages.26[26] Matthew 25:46 KJV – King James Version, CLV – Concordant Literal Version, YLT – Young’s Literal Version, EBR – Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible. WEY – Weymouth New Testament. GNT – Greek New Testament

This statement now makes more sense from Jesus’ own mouth—that those who don’t accept his sin-debt payment will go into an age or eon of judgment and correction or chastening. Also, they’ll have to pay off their own sin-debts themselves. Those who accept the sin-debt payment from him will go into an age and eon of life. It also connects us more with the law of redemption and an understanding of how the payment of the sin-debt note works in sync with the Sabbath and Jubilee laws. The rules and laws of the KoHeavenEarth company don’t sanction eternal, never-ending judgment and torture. It’s unequivocally against the law and an impossibility.

This is a very brief overview of the fact that eternity does not exist in the overall plans of Jesus. The correct usage would be eons and ages of time or timelines. This error and concept of eternal anything became solidified really with St. Jerome around the fifth century, when he used the Latin word aeternea. An eon is a set amount of time, possibly of unknown duration but nevertheless with a definite “beginning and end point.”

We have now our second leg that has collapsed on the belief of hell and never-ending torment.

3. Laws of Time Never Allow for Unending Debt Servitude

As I’ve written a lot about this specific topic of time in Chapter 6 and the section called “The Foundational Rules Built on Time,” I don’t want to repeat it all. However, I want to make a mention of this again in this appendix. In fact, it’s the opposite of these laws that are the leg which holds up the eternal hell punishment interpretation.

When we come to understand that all sin is reckoned as a debt and we learn the Jubilee law and the Sabbath laws don’t allow a perpetual never-ending payment of one’s debt, the third leg of this belief collapses. Nowhere in the law of Abba Father and Jesus do they ever sanction eternally paying for a sin-debt.

We have now our third leg that has collapsed on the belief of hell and never-ending torment.

4. Nowhere Does Jesus Speak of the English “Hell”

Jesus’ executive management team put the Bible blueprint together. These original concepts exist in Hebrew thought, not Greek thought, even if the Greek language was used for the new blueprint. Of course, reading any Bible, of any translation, will change your heart and transform you from the inside out.

The fact is, the hell we know about today in the twenty-first century is something Jesus never spoke of. It doesn’t originate in Hebrew thought. It certainly was never spoken about by the executive management team. The King James translators weren’t perfectly inspired in using the words they used in English. Especially when those same words meant something very different at the time of their original usage.

The translators took the Hebrew word Sheol (שְׁאוֹל) and the Greek words Gehenna (γέεννα), Hades (ᾅδου), and Tartarus (ταρταρόω) and translated most of them as “hell.” Sheol is translated three times as “the pit,” thirty-one times as “the grave,” and thirty-one times as “hell.” We read from E. W. Bullinger in his companion study Bible, appendix 131, the following about hell:

“Hell” is the English rendering of two different Greek words in the new testament. The English word is from the Anglo-Saxon hel, Genitive case helle = a hidden place, from the Anglo-Saxon helan = to hide.27[27] Bullinger, E. W. “Appendix 131: The Synonymousness Words for Hell, Etc.” In The Companion Study Bible. (Kregel, Burgundy edition, March 19, 1990). Accessed through e-sword reference library.

Further we find The English word may be in part from Old Norse mythological Hel (from Proto-Germanic *halija “one who covers up or hides something”)28[28] “Hell.” Online Etymology Dictionary. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

We should not apply any Greek mythologies to this word beyond its original meaning. If we understand the English word hell in its original meaning as “a place hidden,” the translation would be an accurate one by the King James translators. It fits with the Hebrew meaning of Sheol. So let’s look at what our understanding of Sheol should be. From E. W. Bullinger in appendix 35:29[29] Bullinger, E. W. “Appendix 35: Sheol, Hebrew, Sheol.” In The Companion Study Bible. (Kregel, Burgundy edition, March 19, 1990). Accessed through e-sword reference library.

The first occurrence of this word is in Genesis 37:35, where it is rendered “grave.” It occurs sixty-five times in the Hebrew of the Old Testament; and only by studying each passage by itself can the student hope to gather the Biblical usage of the word. All heathen or traditional usages are not only worthless, but mischievous.

Although the new blueprint writers were inspired to use the Greek word Hades to represent Sheol, we should not understand Hades in the same way the Greeks did. As time passed, what followed is the traditions or precepts of religion took precedence. Combined with the political corruption of the church, along with the introduction of Dante and his Inferno and the Divine Comedy writings, Hades, Sheol, and hell all ended up becoming something they were never meant to be. Exactly what the Greek and Egyptian mythologies fantasized them to be.

In fact, some Bible versions today are correcting this error and choosing to use the native Hebrew and Greek words. The challenge with this, though, is that pop culture shapes our ideas of Hades and Tartarus, presenting them as places of pain, suffering, and torment in fire.

I have been shorter on this part, as points 1, 2, 3, and 5 bring a strong correlation to these facts. Jesus, the apostles, and the disciples spoke often about a time of “gehenna judgment,” but he never spoke about our modern-day understanding of hell as a fiery place of torment that is eternally existing. One important understanding also comes in point 5 which follows.

We have now our fourth leg that has collapsed on the belief of hell and never-ending torment.

5. Understanding the Lake of Fire and Fire Itself

Now we come to what I believe is the last leg of this hell topic to discuss. In the book of Revelation, it talks about a place called the lake of fire. I want to share this in the original King James Version translation and then the upgraded New King James Version. What’s interesting about these two translations is they leave out translating the last four words of this text. We read:

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.30[30] Revelation 20:14 (King James Version)

Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.31[31] Revelation 20:14 (New King James Version)

When we look at the Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible translation or any literal translation, we have the following:

And, death and hades, were cast into the lake of fire. This, is, the second death—the lake of fire.32[32] Revelation 20:14 (Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible)

Καὶ ὁ Θάνατος καὶ ὁ ̔́ᾼδης ἐβλήθησαν εἰς τὴν λίμνην τοῦ πυρός· οὗτος ὁ θάνατος ὁ δεύτερός ἐστιν, ἡ λίμνη τοῦ πυρός.33[33] Revelation 20:14 (Byzantine Greek Unparsed Text New Testament) [bold not translated in the KJV and NKJV]

As we read this, it’s interesting that, in fact, death and hell, or properly Hades, are cast into this lake of fire. I’m one who likes to ask questions, and here, several questions are coming to my mind. Like, what then is hell? Is hell, hell? Or is the lake of fire hell? How does hell then get cast into hell? But the lake of fire is never ever translated as hell.

In fact, it’s very clear that the lake of fire is also the second death. They’re one and the same. The second death is never called hell. What’s the lake of fire then, if it’s not hell? Is it a new layer of hell? Considering the native word used is the Greek word Hades, how should Hades be interpreted? As the Greek place of fire and torment or the Hebrew place where all go to sleep until the resurrection? So many questions. How are we to understand all this?

Let me share with you the greater understanding which I think will answer these questions about this mysterious lake of fire.

Our starting point is with two books of the Bible blueprint, the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation. It’s important to understand that these books are continuations of each other, even though they were written almost 625 years apart. Both writers are seeing parts of the overall blueprint plan for the coming 2,500 years.

Daniel received his portion of the blueprint shortly before the fall of Babylon, around 541 BC from what I can gather.34[34] Jones, Dr. Stephen E. “Chapter 11: Daniels Prayer.” In Daniel: Prophet of the Ages—Book 2. God’s Kingdom Ministries, January 5, 2016. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. During the time when the Tribe of Judah was in exile in Babylon, Daniel saw three world empires represented by various beasts. He also saw a bit of the fourth empire that would be on the earth when Jesus would return. The apostle John saw in depth the period of the fourth beast empire.

Daniel records the empires being those of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire from approximately 607 BC to AD 100. John records in Revelation the time period from AD 95 until the return of our CEO, Jesus. John was recording the coming 2,000 years and more. This included the Roman Empire, the Western and Byzantine Empires, and the Holy Roman Empire. And it goes on until the collapse of what he calls Mystery Babylon, that being the KoAdam company rulers and their financial, political, and religious system of the world today. The mystery is the evil behind how “hidden” it has been.

It’s important that we understand that much of what we read is symbolism in these two books. We need to understand this from a Hebrew writer’s perspective and mindset rather than a Greek allegorical mindset. The lake of fire isn’t a physical lake of fire. Otherwise, it’s very hard to explain how something unseen, like Hades and Death, could be thrown into something that is apparently seen and very physical.

What Daniel records is what he saw happening at the end of the age or eon (i.e. 7,000 years from Adam). We read:

As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze. A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.35[35] Daniel 7:9–10 (New International Version 1984)

Now, look at what John records after Daniel, almost 625 years later:

Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.36[36] Revelation 20:11–15 (New American Standard Bible)

We also read the following about this lake of fire:

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.37[37] Revelations 21:8 (New King James Version)

The lake of fire and the second death are linked as one in the same. In these two recordings the throne represents righteous authority, righteous judgment, and righteous justice. The fire represents the law of Abba Father and Jesus, the laws of the universe and the Ten Commandments. Fire and brimstone represent the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit, our COO. Fire represents the ministers of Jesus, who are his chosen executive management team. The brimstone represents the power to purify, which is the Greek word theion (θείῳ).38[38] Strongs g2303. “θεῖον / theion.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance.  Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. Fire in the Bible symbolizes all of the above: judgment, the law, cleansing, and his word. It represents their power, presence, passion, and purity. It never represents torment or torture. Moses reveals in the blueprint:

And He came with ten thousands of saints; From His right hand Came a fiery law for them.39[39] Deuteronomy 33:2b (New King James Version)

And then we have Jeremiah recording as well:

Isn’t my word like fire? says Yahweh; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?40[40] Jeremiah 23:29 (World English Bible)

The laws of Abba Father and Jesus themselves are as fire, and so are his words. Is the law something physically burning? Are the words we read recorded from Jesus-Yahweh actually burning us? If I touch the law or read his word, am I literally being burned by it? It’s all symbolism and showing us that the fire is, in fact, a wonderful, good thing. Law and order and justice are always good. Of course, not to those who do evil acts. Paul writes further here:

And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire.” Which is quoted from the writings of King David: Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.41[41] Hebrews 1:7 (New King James Version), Psalms 104:4 (New King James Version)

The Greek word here for angels is angelos (ἀγγέλους). This means to be a messenger. Anyone can in fact be a messenger. It’s not specifically talking about spiritual beings in heaven here. In fact, anyone who shares the good news of the Gospel is a messenger and minister. When we deliver such amazing news of the KoHeavenEarth company, we learn that we can become as flames of fire.

Am I a walking ball of flames, though? Not really, at least in the physical organic tech body. Though I would say that Jesus Christ in you can be as a fire to those who love darkness. When someone loves darkness and they’re in the presence of someone walking in the light of Christ, it’s as if fire’s burning them. It’s extremely uncomfortable to be in that spiritual light when it’s exposing the spiritual darkness. Finally, Paul also writes to the Hebrews:

For our God [Abba Father and Jesus] is a consuming fire.42[42] Hebrews 12:29 (New King James Version)

Therefore, we need to understand that this lake of fire isn’t physical fire. It’s representative of a good and righteous King and CEO. One with integrity. A King and CEO that is established in righteousness and justice, and mercy and truth go before his face daily. What we read is from the throne of Jesus. From his seat of judgment we have his throne being surrounded by the fire of justice and integrity. Then it flows as a stream from the throne as we read in Daniel, and then in Revelation it continues into a lake.

The lake is CEO Jesus, his COO the Holy Spirit, his executive management team, and his company rules and laws for the universe. It’s all symbolism yet still very much a part of the overall blueprint plan. Also notice that in all of the five mentions of this lake there’s never an adjective or verb of time connected directly to it.

A last note which I think is interesting … it’s a lake. We know that lakes are small. John doesn’t declare it to be a sea or an ocean. It’s a lake. This means it’s small, which corresponds to Christ’s executive management team.

The team is comprised of all those who reach the reward as part of the KoHeavenEarth company to achieve executive management status. Those people who overcome. These people will be the ones who administer the justice of the great white throne judgment. The ones who lead, with Jesus, the great global employee performance review.

We have now our fifth leg that has collapsed on the belief of hell and never-ending torment. At the end, hell, or I should say hades itself, is thrown into this thing called the lake of fire—the fire of Christ’s throne flowing out into a stream of fire and finally culminating in the lake of fire, which is providing righteous judgment to the entire world.


Everything I have shared in this appendix is something where, over time, Abba Father and Jesus have been showing me their heart in wanting to set the record straight. It’s time that this cruel character assassination ends. Permanently! The KoAdam company doesn’t want the world to see this truth—the truth that when we say they’re love, we can now truly believe in fullness that they are love. Unconditional love!

Many I know wrestle with this topic, if they even allow themselves to think about it. Many I know don’t even want to consider this. Many I know get furious at me for suggesting this. The traditional precepts are set so deeply that such a shift in thinking will create an earthquake in them. When this paradigm gets shaken, it may hurt in the short term. I know, as I speak from experience; it was an earthquake to me in my own life. But long term it does only good. It only increases our love for Jesus and Abba Father and expands our ability to unconditionally love our neighbors.

I was raised with this understanding of hell and eternal torment. I accepted it for a long time. I couldn’t even imagine that it might be, in fact, a man-made precept. One that developed over 1,600 years of history. I always struggled with being able to see Abba and Jesus as truly love.

Logically, when I compared the old blueprint writings to the new blueprint writings, I couldn’t reconcile the two. Nowhere in the old blueprint are we given any indication of never-ending punishment or torture. Though faith requires believing the impossible, I’m also not into blind faith at all. Faith is a journey and a walk that happens when Jesus asks you to do something which looks impossible. But because of who he is, you stand in that trust, believing the impossible will become possible by his hands.

My journey through history and time began. And when I came out on the other side, it had changed me forever. The love I have for Jesus now is so much more than I could ever have imagined could exist. It all changed when I learned that the teaching and belief in eternal torment in hell was false.

Once these five legs get kicked out from beneath the precept of hell, our eyes open and we see truly how just, righteous, fair, and honorable our great King and CEO is and his Father. Our love for him expands. We can say yes to wanting him in our lives. Knowing that when he says he is love, he truly is unconditional love.

He will destroy his enemies … by making them friends through his goodness.