
Why Version 3.0 and 12 Billion

Chapter Sections

During Chapter 6, I stated that we’ll upgrade the earth to version 3.0. You might wonder why 3.0? Why not 2.0? Wouldn’t this be version 1.0 now?

The topics I will touch on here in this appendix have been analyzed, discussed, and debated at great length since the seventeenth century. Where does one start in composing thoughts about the versioning of earth? The amount of data written on this topic is immense.

I will aim to focus on the elements that are foundational themes of this book. While I know the past is important, it’s the future that I look forward to. Yet to have a hope for the future, we also have to somewhat understand the past. I want to share what I’ve discovered myself so far as to how I understand this very complex topic. As long as we live in these mortal bodies, the conversation will never be complete.

I also want to bring some of my own challenges to our current understanding. My hope is all of this will lead us closer to unity and a common goal. To move forward working together, rather than against one another. Yet to do this, there has to be “purpose” to our lives.

This is only possible when some sort of plan exists, as purpose can only come out of defined plans. I believe there is a glorious and peaceful future ahead. I would like us to see this hope, to have peace, to stomp on any thoughts that put fear of the future into us. Also to keep calm and carry on, knowing that our CEO, Jesus, our designer and architect, is in full control of everything.

Maybe what I share and how I approach this topic will also interest you.

Motivations Behind the Usage of Data

To begin, as I’ve previously mentioned, there’s a ruthless war and competition going on in this age. A competition and a battle for employees. For the hearts and minds of humanity. The rulers of the Kingdom of Adam company don’t want the peoples and nations to see the truth of who our CEO and Christ Jesus is.

They’ll fight at all costs to prevent most of humanity from choosing to leave and join Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth company. They want us to accept their lies as our truths. In doing so, it divides us. It pits us against one another. This is unacceptable. It’s just simply unacceptable. I want to repeat what the apostle Paul writes to us:

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.1[1] Ephesians 6:12 (New Living Translation)

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.2[2] Colossians 2:8 (New Living Translation)

Sadly, in any war or battle, good people choose the wrong sides to fight for. Good people get used for bad purposes. It doesn’t mean that the people themselves are evil, nor that we should hate them. Certainly not. We should hate the ideologies and lies that they believe to uphold as truth and which lead people away from discovering the meaning of and purposes for their lives.

Therefore, I also want to make a disclaimer. In this appendix, if I have to use any name of any specific person where we should question the purpose of their ideology or belief, note that it’s the question of the ideology behind the person I’m pointing out, not the person themselves. Jesus calls us to unconditionally love one another. I’m doing the best I can in that call myself, though I’m also far from perfect.

When I began this book, I presented the question: What is the purpose of the earth and us being on it?

I want to use this as our North Star in trying to understand our origins and any motives behind any data manipulation. I want to question, what should we trust? Before the so-called enlightenment of the seventeenth century, the foundations of our origin were not questioned. The Bible blueprint was the source, at least in the Western world. When I discuss what data we should trust, there is a divide. We’re now divided between the side that holds to evolution and the side that holds to creation.

What’s interesting is that both sides count science as foundational to their arguments against the other. We have to ask, how can data become so extremely manipulated or abused that polar opposites can claim it as accurate and “the truth”? Can it be there’s a deep manipulation going on in the interpretation of the data somewhere? Can there be bias that we’re not being told about?

What we’re working from is history. Whether we speak about evolution or creation, all of these events as we define them are in the past. They’re by their very definition one-off, unobservable, and unrepeatable events.

If we speak about the Genesis account of the Bible blueprint, it happened only once. We weren’t there to observe it. We also can’t repeat it. This is the same situation that evolution finds itself in. It happened only once. We weren’t there to observe it. We also can’t repeat it.

The Blueprint as the Foundation of Modern Science3[3] Sarfati, Jonathan. “The Biblical Roots of Modern Science.” Sep 29, 2009. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

When we study the history of science, we find that modern science has its foundational roots in the Bible blueprint. Science depended on the assumption of an orderly universe created by an orderly creator. It’s in this order that many of the techniques used today were developed. Evolutionary anthropologist and science writer Loren Eiseley states:

The philosophy of experimental science … began its discoveries and made use of its methods in the faith, not the knowledge. That it was dealing with a rational universe controlled by a creator who did not act upon whim nor interfere with the forces He had set in operation. … It is surely one of the curious paradoxes of history that science, which professionally has little to do with faith, owes its origins to an act of faith that the universe can be rationally interpreted, and that science today is sustained by that assumption.4[4] Eiseley, Loren. Darwin’s Century: Evolution and the Men who Discovered It. (New York: Doubleday, Anchor, 1961).

Sociologist and author Rodney Stark affirmed:

Science was not the work of western secularists or even deists; it was entirely the work of devout believers in an active, conscious, creator God.5[5] Stark, Rodney. For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-Hunts and the End of Slavery. (Princeton University Press, 2003). See also, Williams, Alex. “The Biblical Origins of Science.” Journal of Creation 18(2):49–52, 2004,

Peter Harrison has thoroughly documented this. Then a professor of history and philosophy at Bond University in Queensland, Australia (and onetime Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford), he wrote:

It is commonly supposed that when in the early modern period individuals began to look at the world in a different way, they could no longer believe what they read in the Bible. In this book I shall suggest that the reverse is the case: that when in the sixteenth century people began to read the Bible in a different way, they found themselves forced to jettison traditional conceptions of the world.6[6] Harrison, Peter. The Bible, Protestantism and the Rise of Natural Science. (Cambridge University Press, 2001). See, Weinberger, Lael. “Reading the Bible and Understanding Nature.” Journal of Creation 23(3):21–24, 2009 (in press). Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

As Prof. Harrison explained:

Strange as it may seem, the Bible played a positive role in the development of science.

Had it not been for the rise of the literal interpretation of the Bible and the subsequent appropriation of biblical narratives by early modern scientists, modern science may not have arisen at all. In sum, the Bible and its literal interpretation have played a vital role in the development of Western science.7[7] Harrison, Peter. “The Bible and the Rise of Science.” Australasian Science 23(3):14–15, 2002.

Stephen Snobelen, Assistant Professor of History of Science and Technology, University of King’s College, Halifax, Canada, writes and explains:

Here is a final paradox. Recent work on early modern science has demonstrated a direct (and positive) relationship between the resurgence of the Hebraic, literal exegesis of the Bible in the Protestant Reformation, and the rise of the empirical method in modern science. I’m not referring to wooden literalism, but the sophisticated literal-historical hermeneutics that Martin Luther and others (including Newton) championed.8[8] Snobelen, Stephen D. “Isaac Newton and Apocalypse Now: A Response to Tom Harpur’s ‘Newton’s Strange Bedfellows.’” A longer version of the letter published in the Toronto Star, February 26, 2004; Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.,-163,798

They said it, not me. Without the Bible blueprint, the foundations of science wouldn’t have been laid. We have famous scientists, such as Nicolaus Steno (1638–1686) for geology, Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) and Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), who are famous for discoveries of gravity, and many more. Robert Hooke (1635–1703) and Lazzaro Moro (1687–1764) published papers on earthquakes. Thomas Burnet (~1635–1715) and William Whiston (1667–1752) were pioneers on theories of earth and cosmogony. Then, lastly, John Woodward (1665–1728) pioneered paleontology.

They all used the Bible blueprint as their basis for their work. It’s interesting, though, that not all of them agreed with each other on every single topic. And that’s okay. Yet the foundation was a biblical world view. It was founded on knowing that there was order coming from an almighty creator and architect of it all. Questioning everything is the foundation of this. Surely, asking why we’re here. What’s our purpose? These scientists understood that there must be a purpose to all of this. So they searched for the missing blanks in creation itself. The apostle Paul writes further about this:

For the wrath [passion] of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.9[9] Romans 1:18–20 (English Standard Version)

It’s in creation itself that he reveals himself to us. In what we see and what we discover through science. I believe it’s why, so often, people feel at peace in nature. It’s because against the backdrop of our cities it’s in nature that we connect with knowing there has to be something bigger than us out there.

The connection we see between science and the Bible blueprint is something I’m very thankful for. While this is just a small portion on the historic connections, science is the work of filling in the gaps of the missing pieces not recorded in the blueprint.

My hope is that we can begin the journey to reconciliation and healing of our division by realizing that the Bible blueprint and science are meant to work together, not against one another. If we can unite the two once again across all of society, I believe even greater leaps and bounds in understanding our universe are yet to come.

The Bias and Manipulation of Data

A question arises. If we consider there’s a battle going on for the hearts and minds of humanity, can data be interpreted without some sort of bias? Is the removal of bias really possible? It was in the early eighteenth century, after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire and the corruption of the church, that there was a growing desire to dispense with the Bible blueprint as a source of knowledge.

I can understand this direction. The only way to advance out of corruption is to dispense with the things used for corruption. History shows that the Roman Catholic Church was very, very corrupt as a political entity. Could we have swung, though, to the far opposite side rather than remaining in the center of the pendulum? Two people behind some of this enlightenment were Scottish physician James Hutton (1726–1797) and a man called Charles Lyell (1797–1875).10[10] “Charles Lyell.” 2020. Last edited: May 4, 2023. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

What came out of their theories led to today’s science without the Bible blueprint, at least in secular circles. I want to highlight an interesting statement from Charles Lyell recorded between himself and a colleague. He had one goal and that was:

to free the science [of geology] from Moses.11[11] Mortenson, Terry. The Great Turning Point. (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2004), pp. 225–226. Citing Brook, J. “The Natural Theology of the Geologists: Some Theological Strata.” In Jordanova, L. and Porter, R. Images of the Earth. (British Society for the History of Science, Monograph 1, 1979), p. 45.

If that isn’t a clear and direct bias for the future of all data interpretation, I’m not sure what is. From this time forward it launched the beginning of the old-earth belief. Data interpretation had one goal: to exclude the Bible blueprint as holding any truth. Doesn’t this make all interpretation of data extremely biased, if by definition it’s to exclude what other data is revealing? One could make up anything. There’s no way to know what’s true or false, especially if all are expected to comply with the direction of how data should be interpreted. Some people today call this totalitarian science. Look at the statement from cosmologist George F. R. Ellis as he candidly explains:

People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations. For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations … you can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.12[12] Gibbs, William Warren. “Profile: George F. R. Ellis.” Scientific American 273(4):55, Oct 1995.

Could it be that science today is more philosophy than actual science? Looking at our North Star, what is the purpose of the earth and us in it? Evolution and evolution theories don’t have an answer to this. There’s no purpose. It’s all random.

Richard Dawkins, one of the world’s most staunch evolutionists, at the time of the writing of this book is quoted as saying:

The universe we observe has … no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. … DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.13[13] Dawkins, Richard. River out of Eden. (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1995), p.133.

At the time of writing this book, evolutionary scientist Dr. Susan Blackmore affirms:

In the end nothing matters … If you think about evolution and why we human beings are here, you have to come to the conclusion that we are here for absolutely no reason at all.14[14] Blackmore, Dr. Susan. “The World According to … Dr. Susan Blackmore.” The Independent (UK), Jan 21, 2004.

Hmmm, that doesn’t provide a lot of hope for the future. I’ve never found an evolutionist claiming there’s purpose at all to the universe. Have you? If we’re to understand this correctly, if nothing matters and there’s no purpose or design, DNA neither knows nor cares and we just dance to its music, then isn’t it a fair question to ask why we are getting so worked up about our origins?

Why attack so ferociously the Bible blueprint creation account? In fact, I don’t hear of evolutionists attacking so mercilessly any other religion or faith or their writings. Have you? Why does it seem as if it’s only the Bible blueprint that’s so attacked? Why should we care about global warming or global cooling?

Why should we care about working hard and earning a living? Why should we want morally sound societies? Why should we care about doing good to our neighbors if, in the end, it’s only a dog-eat-dog and survival-of-the-fittest world? Morality is relative then, isn’t it?

I like the statement from C. S. Lewis (1898–1963), Christian philosopher and author of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy, among other works:

If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our thought processes are mere accidents—the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the materialists’ and astronomers’ as well as for anyone else’s. But if their thoughts—i.e. of Materialism and Astronomy—are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give a correct account of all the other accidents.15[15] Lewis, Clive Staples (C. S.). God in the Dock. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970), pp. 52–53.

I would ask, what’s the purpose of evolution if it can’t answer the question of purpose? What’s the purpose behind the universe being 14 billion years old and the planet being 4.6 billion years old? If there’s no purpose even to this number, why not make it trillions of years old?

Who is giving these people the authority to make a claim that it all means nothing? Are they claiming to be gods themselves? Knowing something we don’t. Making statements of absolute truth. Doesn’t this give them the ability to make up anything and claim it to be true?

Maybe there’s only one purpose for evolution theory. That’s to persuade and pull people away from understanding that we do in fact have a purpose. The Bible blueprint reveals this purpose. A purpose for every one of us. To have a relationship with our creator and architect, our Abba Father and savior Jesus Christ. To one day manage the universe from earth with Jesus as the CEO of it all.

What are the effects of this bias in all areas of science? If the goal of making things older than they are is key to countering any truth found in the Bible blueprint, then this would impact the area of archeology as well. Specifically, the dating of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Could it be that these ancient civilizations are also extended to be much older than they are? After all, if Egypt is found to be older than the creation account of the world, that would certainly have people question if there’s truth in the Bible blueprint.

I believe a lot of good scientists find themselves caught in the current of today’s totalitarian science. They know something is wrong. Yet they feel powerless at the moment to go against the flow. I want to challenge you to ask questions about all of this. Research reveals that when people begin to question the data behind evolutionary science and see the bias, at some point they become a supporter of the Bible blueprint.

They see that the creation account is true. They eventually join CEO Jesus Christ in the KoHeavenEarth company. They become one who wants to also help others see the bias and manipulation that’s taking place. I would only like to ask you to consider these things in light of what I have presented here. The science existing today isn’t really without its own biases.

We are Devolving, Not Evolving

One area we should consider if we’re being led astray is in relation to the problem of death. Are the answers coming from evolutionary biologists satisfactory? How are we to consider evolution over billions of years, when from all observable accounts death and entropy have existed right from the beginning and we cannot escape it? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines entropy as:16[16] Dictionary, s.v. “entropy,” Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

a: the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. // Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder.— James R. Newman.

b: a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder. // The deterioration of copy editing and proof-reading, incidentally, is a token of the cultural entropy that has overtaken us in the postwar years. — John Simon.

The minute anything is born, it begins to break down. It starts its journey towards death. Every living organism—and humans—are all in a constant state of degradation. I found an interesting article in Forbes magazine about the evolution of death. The author had posted to Quora the answer as to why everything dies. It was a lengthy article, but I want to point out this specific part of it. At the time of writing this book, Suzanne Sadedin, PhD, an evolutionary biologist, states:

As life goes on, your genes effectively stop caring what happens to you. After a certain point, it’s so unlikely that you’re still alive that your genes can safely assume you’ll already be dead. …

The more likely it is that you’re dead, the less your genes care about you. The less your genes care about you, the more likely it is that you’re dead. …

These malfunctions cluster around a certain age: the age when evolution stops caring about us because, statistically speaking, we’re already dead.17[17] Sadedin, Suzanne. “Biologically Speaking, This Is Why Humans Are Born to Die.” Jul 13, 2016. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Now, I personally don’t know Suzanne Sadedin any more than I know Richard Dawkins or Susan Blackmore. I don’t want to speak negatively against their character. I’m sure they are wonderful people to have a coffee with. I’d love to have the pleasure to meet them one day. But … come on! What on earth is being said here?

If there’s no purpose to anything, if DNA neither knows nor cares, if everything happened by accident, why should we then believe that “evolution just stops caring about us”? Was there a time when it did? Doesn’t this mean, by simple reason, evolution is also very philosophical? Because if evolution stops caring about itself, how did it continue to evolve little cells of nothing into humans and then one day to say, okay, now I don’t care about you anymore?

Why should an accident care about itself to begin with? Or us? If I’m to believe that evolution cares about me for a little while and then doesn’t, what made it care for the first 13.5 billion years to begin with? Honestly, it’s more profitable for me to believe in a creator God. At least he states he’ll care about me “forever and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” rather than just being left for dead by evolution.

Is there a real, coherent answer to why death even exists in the grand scheme of evolutionary science? I haven’t found one. Have you? I quote again the apostle Paul, as it is the only thing that makes sense to me on this topic:

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.18[18] Colossians 2:8 (New Living Translation)

As I have shared in this book and in the story line that progressed over Chapters 1–6, the Bible blueprint has a very clear answer to the topic of death, mortality, and entropy. That answer is missing the mark of Abba Father. It’s sin which brought in the virus of death, mortality, and entropy. We can’t get a clearer answer to one of life’s greatest problems. The good news from the Bible blueprint, though, is this: one day it will be reversed. One day, all will receive life and immortality, and death will be destroyed.

Does evolution theory give a promise of the destruction of death?

Conclusion of Motives Behind the Data

As we’ve seen when we look into history, often, there are discrepancies between what we are told versus what is recorded as factual. History reveals that some of our greatest breakthroughs in science came from a foundation of a biblical blueprint world view. Many of the greatest scientists all believed we had purpose. It’s in the understanding of an ordered universe created by an orderly creator that we could lay the foundations of modern science, faith being the foundation of that science.

As we’ve seen, though, since we’re all mortal, we can corrupt ourselves. As the church became so corrupt as a political entity, people then reverted to swinging the pendulum against all things faith and rejecting it all, throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This has developed and devolved today into theories that take as much belief to believe as Jesus being our creator. Could we consider that while the seventeenth-century pendulum swung us far away from the Bible blueprint being the foundation of our science, maybe the pendulum has swung too far to the opposite side now? Once again it’s creating corruption, deceit, and lies.

Maybe it’s time for another course correction. I believe we need to review more closely where bias can exist and what the motives of the heart are of those who claim to speak truth. Do they lead us toward truth and answers about our purpose, or away from truth and away from our purpose? I would love to see us rebalance and find unity working together with science and the Bible blueprint. Now let’s move on to the versioning of the earth as I see it.

Earth Version 1.0

This version of the earth includes our origin. The beginning of it all. When we review the Bible blueprint, the management teams over time recorded the whole design and creation of earth. It’s all recorded in the framework of Genesis 1:1–2:3 and throughout the blueprint. This gives us our version 1.0. I want to write about four important elements we should consider about this version, with the fourth giving us a very interesting practical example of what this all means in the grand scheme of our discussions. These areas are:

  1. The beginning and the end are …
  2. Earth was never created first in chaos.
  3. The 6 days of creation account.
  4. A practical example of creation.

1. The Beginning and the End Are …

Our genesis has such an amazing beginning. It has such an amazing story. Everything that our eyes can see and observe reveals to us that this can’t all come from nothing. For me, as I like data, it’s also when I review the websites of people like Barry Setterfield19[19] Setterfield, Barry. “Putting it All Together.” Mar 2017. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. and Abarim Publications20[20] Faith, Evolution and the Bible. Abarim Publications. Last updated Apr 30, 2023. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. that I come to such a deeper level of understanding that everything around us reveals Jesus as our creator.

One area where he reveals himself to us is in the data, DNA being the foundation of most of this data. The completeness of data really is found in this product. Everything has data that helps us discover his brilliance.

It seems clear that if we consider DNA the blueprint of life, then we must be dealing with an amazing designer for this blueprint plan. The apostle Paul writes to the Colossians about Jesus:

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.21[21] Colossians 1:16–17 (New International Version 2011)

Many versions say “by him,” but it should state “in him,” as we see in the NIV 2011, as the Greek word en (ἐν) means “in.”22[22] Strongs g1722. “ἐν /en.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. We also read about Jesus from the apostle John in the book of Revelation:

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.23[23] Revelation 22:13 (New International Version 1984)

In Hebrew, the Greek Alpha (Α) and Omega (Ω) are the equivalent of the Aleph (א) and the Tav (ת). How do these two passages relate to creation and our foundation? Well, as we read, Jesus is the beginning, and everything was created in him. He’s our beginning. He’s also our ending. We started in him, and we’ll end in him.

Nothing that’s created is created outside of him. It then gives us a lot of confidence. One can never be separated from him, in our mortality or our life or death. We are still in him and he is in us, as it’s his breath of life that keeps us breathing. We can see in the Hebrew the Aleph Tav being set before the heavens and the earth. These את occur 7,339 times in the old blueprint. It’s very significant.

In a beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.24[24] Genesis 1:1 (Concordant Literal Version) & (Westminster Leningrad Codex)

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

This account of creation is so multi-faceted. It’s not just a physical account. It’s also revealing deeper layers of the spiritual account of creation. The natural and the spiritual. There are depths here which can blow us away when we wish to go deeper. Everything was created first “in” Jesus. The circle will be complete when we one day become all in all with him, in Abba Father. It’s important for us to understand this from a blueprint perspective of design. All was created in Him. So could anything created in Jesus first be formed in chaos?

2. Earth was Never Created First in Chaos

There seems to be this strange belief that the world was formed first in chaos. Then out of chaos order was conceived. Hence the saying “order out of chaos.” As I just showed, our genesis is in Jesus. So can this statement be true? The Bible blueprint reveals, however, that this isn’t the case. We find that even Jesus-Yahweh makes a clear claim against this, as I will show. First, we read in the King James Version and the American Standard Version:

(1) In the beginning God [Elohim] created the heaven and the earth. (2) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God [Elohim] moved upon the face of the waters.25[25] Genesis 1:2 (King James Version)

(1) In the beginning God [Elohim] created the heaven and the earth. (2) And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God [Elohim] moved upon the face of the waters.26[26] Genesis 1:2 (American Standard Version)

When we read the creation account of the earth, we tend to read lines 1:1 and 1:2 consecutively and without a break. It appears here that Jesus made everything first in a chaotic form.

The problem here is the translation of the word was. We read the earth was without form. Is that correct, though? The native Hebrew word translated as “was” is hayah (הָיְתָ֥ה). The word hayah occurs over 3,502 times. It means “to become” or “became.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance defines it as:

primitive root; to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): …27[27] Strongs h1961. “הָיָה / hayah.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Strongs doesn’t even include “was” in the definition. If we look now at this text in the Concordant Literal Version and in Hebrew, we read:

As for the earth, it came to be a chaos and vacant, and darkness was over the surface of the abyss. And the spirit of Elohim was vibrating over the surface of the waters.28[28] Genesis 1:2 (Concordant Literal Version) & (Westminster Leningrad Codex)

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵ֣י תְה֑וֹם וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם׃

We see something made the earth become chaos and vacant. But what could that be? Well, let’s carry on, shall we? Now we come to our key proof point that cannot be ignored. Jesus-Yahweh himself states, “he did not create it a chaos.” We read, recorded from his team member the prophet Isaiah:

For thus says Yahweh, Creator of the heavens; He is the One, Elohim, the Former of the earth and its Maker, He Himself established it; He did not create it a chaos; He formed it to be indwelt: I am Yahweh, and there is no other;29[29] Isaiah 45:18 (Concordant Literal Version) & (Westminster Leningrad Codex)

כִּ֣י כֹ֣ה אָֽמַר־יְ֠הוָה בּוֹרֵ֨א הַשָּׁמַ֜יִם ה֣וּא הָאֱלֹהִ֗ים יֹצֵ֨ר הָאָ֤רֶץ וְעֹשָׂהּ֙ ה֣וּא כֽוֹנְנָ֔הּ לֹא־תֹ֥הוּ בְרָאָ֖הּ לָשֶׁ֣בֶת יְצָרָ֑הּ אֲנִ֥י יְהוָ֖ה וְאֵ֥ין עֽוֹד׃

The Hebrew word for “create” is bara’ (בָּרָא).30[30] Strongs h1254. “בָּרָא / ḇara’.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. The word used in Genesis 1:2 for “chaos” is tōhū (תֹהוּ)31[31] Strongs h8414. “תֹהוּ / ṯōhū.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. and “vacant” is bōhū (וָבֹהוּ).32[32] Strongs h0922. “וָבֹהוּ / bōhū.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. Tōhū means to lie waste, a desolation. The word used by the prophet Isaiah, though, is literally translated, not-chaos, which in Hebrew is lō-tōhū (לֹא־תֹ֥הוּ). We can’t ignore or deny the words of our architect, can we? So what’s the answer here? Was it created in chaos or not?

Based on all of my research analyzing all of the various theories, my current understanding is this: Jesus created all things in order from the beginning. Jesus-Yahweh declared all he created was good. Chaos is not of Jesus nor Abba Father, as chaos comes from a lack of order and control.

This is outside of their character. Order is built into everything around us. We see mathematics all around us, even in the tiniest snowflake. The chaos theory or the gap theory cannot hold place here. There’s also no room for an evolutionary gap to occur.

The whole numbering process of the Bible blueprint only came about in the seventh century. As Jesus is my CEO and boss, I desire to represent him as accurately as possible. I asked about this question for a long time. My understanding is that we need to adjust how we read the Genesis account. This would follow:

In a beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. (Gen 1:1)

As for the earth, it came to be a chaos and vacant, and darkness was over the surface of the abyss. (Gen 1:2a)

And the spirit of Elohim was vibrating over the surface of the waters. And Elohim said: Let light come to be! And light came to be. (Gen 1:2b-3)

What we have then, is Genesis 1:1 revealing the entire picture in its completeness. Then Genesis 1:2a reveals what happened to this perfect creation—the outcome of the sin and pride and fall of Adam and Eve. Adam’s pride and sin caused the earth to become chaos and vacant. As Adam is of the earth, so the earth also fell.

It’s revealing more a deeper spiritual truth and outcome rather than an exact natural one. Yet it’s also revealing the physical event. Genesis 1:1 is a summary. Genesis 1:2a is a summary. I understand that the two lines of Gen 1:2a and 1:2b are not meant to be connected, nor read consecutive or chronologically.

Then … Genesis 1:2b–2:3 explains the process and all that happened over the course of Genesis 1:1. It’s a high-level overview. We don’t receive play-by-play accounts of how each molecule and cell were created. It’s a bird’s-eye view account. Genesis 2:1 then reconfirms Genesis 1:1 to add a witness to the legal document.

This is a more logical reading, as when we read Genesis 2:5–25, there’s an interesting repeating of parts of the story. For example, line 2:7 is again stating the formation of Adam. Yet we know that Jesus-Yahweh did this on the sixth day, as stated in line 1:27. I believe we have to be more aware of the writing style that was applied, knowing where we have to take the writing in chronological order and where we have to understand it jumping around. This is the same approach we have to take when also reading the book of Revelation. Not everything written is always written in perfect chronological order.

As I’ve been sharing in this book, I consider everything that’s the written word to be data. Therefore, I also want to refer to an extra biblical blueprint book. This book and its writings are still included in the composition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible blueprint. It’s an interesting book when reviewing the grand plan of Jesus. This book was well known to early Christians. It’s evidenced by the writings of Epiphanius, Justin Martyr, Origen, Diodorus of Tarsus, Isidore of Alexandria, Isidore of Seville, Eutychius of Alexandria, John Malalas, George Syncellus, and George Kedrenos.

Furthermore, the community that originally collected the Dead Sea Scrolls also used this text. In fact, there’s quite an influence of this book on the whole new blueprint. This is the book of Jubilees. It’s often called the “lesser Genesis.”33[33] “Book of Jubilees.” Last updated Jul 21, 2023. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. The Jubilees’ account of creation is even more detailed than the Genesis account. With that said, there are no records of anything being made first in chaotic form in the beginning in its recordings. I believe that this is also important to consider. As data, the book of Jubilees is also a very interesting book to read.34[34] Marsh, Ernest C. “Jubilees Chapter 1 through 15.” In The Book of Jubilees. 2010. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.[35] Pidgeon, Stephen. “The Book of Jubilees and Luke 3 – Yovheliym is an inspired book!” 2019. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.!36[36] De Young, Fr. Stephen. The Book of Jubilees. Ancient Faith Ministries, Oct 30, 2019. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

To conclude, the Bible blueprint is still a work of many writers and many writing styles. When we dive deeper into the styles of writing and the original languages, we discover that, in fact, it’s impossible that our genesis began in chaos. I realize not everyone believes this. But I wanted to touch on the subject. Jesus is perfect. Abba Father is perfect. All was perfectly created. CEO Jesus declared everything is “good.”

3. The 6 Days of Creation Account

Any plan and any blueprint needs to have timelines. We need to ask ourselves, is it possible a plan of any sort can function without time connected to it? As I shared in Chapter 6, Jesus has built into the plan rules and laws surrounding time. These include the Sabbath law, the Jubilee law, and the day with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day law. It’s clear from an evolution theory perspective that we’re at polar opposites if one claims 13 billion years verses six days of a 24-hour sun cycle. Let’s explore this further. What does Jesus-Yahweh state in his blueprint?

And on the seventh day God [Elohim] ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.37[37] Genesis 2:2 (New King James Version)

For in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore Yahweh blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy.38[38] Exodus 20:11 (World English Bible)

Between me and the sons of Israel, a sign it is unto times age-abiding,–for in six days, did Yahweh make the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day, he rested, and was refreshed.39[39] Exodus 31:17 (Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible)

We have three strong statements where, yes, Jesus-Yahweh confirms he created everything in six days and rested on the seventh. I think it’s important to realize that often, the entire discussion between evolution or creation focuses only on the six days. Yet there’s so much more than this. We can never keep our focus solely on the six days. It’s always in connection to a seventh day.

The work ended in six days. He chose then to rest on the seventh and instilled for all time the Sabbath law of one day of rest. Does evolution theory take into account anywhere the topic of a legal day of rest? Not one of these recorded statements “excludes” the discussion of the seventh-day rest. This isn’t a discussion just about the six days but about our entire life cycle of work plus rest. The rest part is equally if not more important.

Let’s now review the word translated in the new blueprint and the old blueprint as “day.” This is important in helping us to understand the concept of a day. In Greek, the apostle Peter uses the word hémera (ἡμέρα)40[40] Strongs g2250. “ἡμέρα / hémera.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. 2020. Online version accessed: Feb 19, 2020. for day. The first mention of the word “day” in the old blueprint is in Genesis 1:5 and it uses the Hebrew word yōm (י֥וֹם). Let’s look at what Strongs Exhaustive Concordance says about this.

Yom: From an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), . . .41[41] Strongs h3117. “י֥וֹם / yôm.” Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

To check we have the right Greek word to understand yōm, we review the Greek Septuagint to find out how they translated it. We find that, yes, hémera (ἡμέρα) is the same as yōm (י֥וֹם). We read further about our understanding of this word “day” from E. W. Bullinger.

The word “day”, when used without any limiting words, may refer to a long or prolonged period: as, the “day of grace”, the “day of visitation”, the “day of salvation,” the “day of judgment”, the “day of the Lord”, “man’s day”, &c. But when the word “day” is used with a numeral (cardinal or ordinal), as one, two, three, &c., or first, second, third, &c., “evening and morning” (Gen. 1), or the “seventh day” (Exo 20:9; Exo 20:11, &c.), it is defined, limited, and restricted to an ordinary day of twenty-four hours.

The word “day” is never used for a year. Sometimes a corresponding number of days is used for a corresponding number of years, but in that case it is always expressly stated to be so used; as in Num 14:33-34. But, even in these cases, the word “day” means a day, and the word “year” means a year. It is not said that a day means a year; but the number of the forty years is said to be “after the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days.”42[42] Bullinger, E. W. “Appendix 11: The Word ‘Day’ in Genesis 1.” In The Companion Study Bible. (Kregel, Burgundy edition, Mar 19, 1990). Accessed through e-sword reference library.

There is a very interesting writeup from Abarim Publications43[43][43] 19: “The Yom Problem.” Abarim Publications. Last updated Apr 30, 2023. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. on the word yōm which I think is worth a read when one gets time. When we review the Genesis account, we have a clear counting of the days. And before each day is recorded, we have the statement of “there was evening, there was morning.” Then the count of which day it was. This denotes a 24-hour civil day being counted.

As we read from E. W. Bullinger, though, a day can also—outside of the 24-hour civil day—be explaining something else as Jesus-Yahweh sees it. We also read the warning to Adam about eating from the tree of knowledge.

but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.44[44] Genesis 2:17 (New American Standard Bible)

“In the day” is the Hebrew word be-yōm (בְּי֛וֹם). When did Adam finally die? How old was he? We read:

So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.45[45] Genesis 5:5 (New American Standard Bible)

For data purposes, the following information is too interesting not to include. I would also like to just quote the statement made about Adam from the book of Jubilees. It adds some interesting details about his death that are not recorded anywhere else.

And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth. And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: ‘On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.’ For this reason he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.46[46] Book of Jubilees 4:39-42 (

Here with Adam, we see the time principle in how Jesus views time, as in a day being like a thousand years and a thousand years being like a day. In English, when we have poetry or artistic writing, we always have to understand the context. With Adam, in Jesus’ view he died that day. He didn’t reach 1,000 years old. Here are some other examples of writing where, since there is no numerical number connected to it, a day could be any length of time.

They came on me in the day of my calamity, but Yahweh was my support.47[47] 2 Samuel 22:19 (World English Bible)

That the evil man is spared in the day of calamity, that he is rescued in the day of wrath?48[48] Job 21:30 (English Standard Version)

In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me.49[49] Psalms 86:7 (English Standard Version)

To conclude, if we’re to take the Bible blueprint as the plan for the earth and everything in it, yes, the universe was created in six days. And Elohim rested on the seventh. However, is that it? Well, I’d like to present some interesting data where I do believe science is discovering the beauty of Jesus’ actual work in the process of creation.

The Big Bang is Not a Theory – It’s Just Improperly Named

As we learned at the beginning of this appendix, there’s a lot to question in terms of the motivation and bias behind the theory of and belief in evolution. Having said this, could it be that the universe was created in such a way that perfectly follows the laws of space and time that Jesus set in place? Could we consider that the miracles of the six days of creation were achieved by his own science? Maybe there’s some reformation of understanding needed on the creationists’ side as well.

I’ve discovered a very interesting scientist who asks this very question. His research over the last thirty years has revealed some very interesting data points for creation. Barry and Helen Setterfield are the research team. Their website is too extensive to even touch upon in this book.50[50] Setterfield, Barry and Setterfield, Helen. “Was This How God Did It?” Jan 17, 2007. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. I would consider it as recommend reading. I would like to touch on a couple of the themes he speaks about on their website, though.

We know it as the Big Bang Theory. I would suggest, like him, that this isn’t a theory—rather, factual but also wrongly named. As Setterfield states, it should be called “the big expansion model.” We have twelve recordings in the Bible blueprint of how the universe was created. All are about the work of Jesus-Yahweh. Consider that these were recorded thousands of years before the big bang was discovered in 1940. We read:

Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent.51[51] Psalm104:2 (English Standard Version)

It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;52[52] Isaiah 40:22 (English Standard Version)

Thus says God [El] Yahweh, he who created the heavens and stretched them out, he who spread out the earth and that which comes out of it, he who gives breath to its people and spirit to those who walk in it.53[53] Isaiah 42:5 (World English Bible)

Thus says Yahweh, your Redeemer, and he who formed you from the womb: “I am Yahweh, who makes all things; who alone stretches out the heavens; who spreads out the earth by myself;54[54] Isaiah 44:24 (World English Bible)

I Myself made the earth, And I created humanity on it; I, My hands, they stretched out the heavens, And all their hosts have I instructed.55[55] Isaiah 45:12 (Concordant Literal Version)

Indeed My hand, it founded the earth, And My right hand, it measured out the heavens. I am calling to them; they shall stand together.56[56] Isaiah 48:13 (Concordant Literal Version)

Why have you forgotten Yahweh, your Creator? He stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you, of those who are ready to destroy you? Where is the fury of those who oppress you?57[57] Isaiah 51:13 (Names of God)

Yahweh made the earth by his power. He set up the world by his wisdom. He stretched out heaven by his understanding.58[58] Jeremiah 10:12 & 51:15 (Names of God)

Yahweh, who stretches out the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him says:59[59] Zechariah 12:1b (World English Bible)

He alone spreads out the heavens, And treads on the waves of the sea;60[60] Job 9:8 (New King James Version)

Can you, like him, spread out the skies, hard as a cast metal mirror?61[61] Job 37:18 (English Standard Version)

To quote Barry Setterfield:

The Bible says the heavens were stretched out. When the evidence of this became incontrovertible in the twentieth century, the Big Bang model (which is really a ‘big expansion’ model) was finally accepted. There are some major differences between it and the Bible, however. The Big Bang model has no energy source for the rapid expansion of space and matter. In the Bible we find God claims to have done it. That is definitely an energy source. The Big Bang model says the universe is still expanding. But in the Bible we read that this stretching of the heavens is always referred to in the context of creation and creation week. As it turns out….again….the data supports the biblical explanation.62[62] Setterfield, Barry. “The Big Bang.” In The Plasma Model of Creation. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Atomic Time and Zero Point Energy

Zero Point Energy was first discovered or considered in AD 1911 by Max Planck. I tried to re-write this, explaining what it is in my own words. However, I think Barry does it best, so I will quote him:

If you take a rubber band and stretch it, you are putting your own energy into the rubber band. Let it go, and the rubber band streaks across the room, gradually slowing down. The energy you put into the stretching is called ‘potential energy.’ It’s not doing anything until you let the rubber band go, but it is still there. When the rubber band is released, the potential energy is released as ‘kinetic energy.’ The change from potential to kinetic is extremely rapid at first and then slows down. It is not just gravity which slows it down. You only put so much energy into the fabric of that rubber band and so there is only so much it can expend as a result. God put energy into the stretching of the fabric of space. That energy was, in the first instance, all potential energy. Then it started changing, extremely quickly at first and then more slowly later. This energy exists today as something we call the Zero Point Energy. It has that name because it exists in enormous amounts even in a vacuum from which all matter has been removed and the temperature lowered to absolute zero.63[63] Setterfield, Barry. “Zero Point Energy.” In The Plasma Model of Creation. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Given this simple definition of Zero Point Energy (ZPE), I’d like to ask you a question. In the twenty-first century, what’s the foundation of the world’s time? The answer, since 1967, is that at the 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures,64[64] “Atomic Clock.” Last edited: Jul 23, 2023. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. it was decided that the definition of a second would be changed from orbital time to atomic time. This meant a redefining of:

1 second = 1/31,556,925.9747 of one earth orbit around the sun . . .

changed to:

1 second = 9,192,631,770 oscillations of the cesium- 133 atom.

Why do I share this? Well, it means atomic time has been existing since the beginning of time, along with orbital time. In the scientific research from Barry Setterfield, he points out that, just like this rubber band, if Jesus-Yahweh used his own science to “stretch out and roll out the universe,” the plasma model in fact fits this process perfectly. Now, while he really can fit the 14 billion years’ development into the exact six days of creation, this means that maybe if there is a foundation to the 14 billion year number, then it would all be within a rapid deployment of ZPE. These 14 billion years would be, in fact, linked to atomic time years, not orbital time years, with this, in effect, still proving the Bible to be 100 percent accurate.

I find this an interesting analysis and review. However, I am also wary of adopting the 14 billion years. As is proven since Charles Lyell, most science has had the bias of manipulating data to exclude any connection with the Bible blueprint. I see no reason to fit new data and revelations into numbers that for the most part can be considered a corruption of science. Can we even trust the 14 billion years even on an atomic time level?

In wanting to represent Jesus as accurately as possible, and maybe laying some foundations on which we all can grow together in moving forward in unity with science and the Bible blueprint, I have my own idea, which may be completely out there, but maybe it has some basis. I believe there could be some potential to test it out. I’ve been seeking the knowledge of Jesus on this. This is how I see things.

Zero Point Energy and atomic time and the Plasma Model are extremely relevant to creation’s six days. One can also see a biblical review of this on Barry’s website for the Genesis 1–11 study.65[65] Setterfield, Barry. “Genesis One to Eleven—Can You Believe It?” Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. I would say I don’t agree with everything, specifically, his dating of the age of the universe,66[66] Setterfield, Barry. “Table 1: Geological Eras and Atomic Clock Conversions to Orbital Time.” Mar 2017. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. which is driven from the recordings of the Greek Septuagint Bible blueprint. Based on this dating, it would mean the great 1,000-years day of the Lord, which is the Sabbath Millennium, would then fall within a so-called ninth day of a Sabbath week, which can’t fit and isn’t legally allowed. I struggle to find that being in proper accord on the clock of the Bible blueprint. It’s impossible that a Sabbath day can fall on anything but the seventh day of creation’s rest. However, all of it’s still a very fascinating review. I’ve seen nothing like it before. Abarim Publications also has an interesting review of the Genesis week.67[67] “22: Genesis 1.” Abarim Publications. Last updated Apr 23, 2023. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

With Jesus, all things are possible. All things are ordered, and all things are perfect. We see across the Bible blueprint that time is important to him. How he organized the past, present, and future is brilliant. Yet the concept of the Sabbath week of six days working, one day of rest is embedded in creation. The concept and law of the Jubilee is also embedded in the time of all debts being released. And, long term, we await a Sabbath 1,000-year millennium, which is the great “day” of the Lord.

In my time consulting Jesus on this topic, I also believe strongly that his six days of creation would be symmetrical in their work. So, while the rubber band makes full logical sense, I believe that the energy expended would be more similar to rolling out the grass from one side of an American football field to the other over six days. So on a 100-yard (91.44-meter) field, we would have 16.67 yards (15.24 meters) laid out each day. The energy exerted would be equal each and every day. This serves as a kind of comparison.

Yet what would the formula be? It led me to an interesting conversation on Quora.68[68] Turunen, Seppo. “Quora Posting with Friend Tuomo Koskela, Oulu, Finland.” Nov 23, 2018. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. In this conversation, a man from Finland shared that a friend of his asked this same question and Jesus said, “Multiply it.” As I pondered this in bed one evening, I didn’t get it. I was thinking, Jesus, that answer makes no sense at all. However, the next morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and it was crystal clear. I think more advanced scientists need to begin to discover if there is merit to it or not. But I felt at ease to share it and put it out there to the world. Maybe someone will take it and work it out further. We have to be ready once in a while to think outside of the box when Jesus challenges us with our own beliefs and understandings.

Multiply it! Well, this means that, based on the laws and rules of time Jesus has given us and given the information that a day of the Lord is as 1,000 years, each of its days are 1,000 years. We read the account in the book of Jubilees that states Adam didn’t finish the years of his day. I chose 364 days in a year, as I believe, since sin hadn’t entered into the world yet during the creation account, Jesus would have set the earth into four perfect thirteen-week seasons. We would then have the following:

  • (A day of the Lord X days in a year X years in a day) = atomic years in an orbital 24-hour day of creation.
  • (1,000 years X 364 days in a year X 1,000 years in each day) = 364,000,000 atomic years in an orbital 24-hour day of creation.
  • Then 6 days of creation X 364,000,000 atomic years = 2,184,000,000 (2.18 billion atomic years).
  • This means 2.18 billion atomic years = 6 orbital, 24-hour civil days of creation.

It’s quite interesting, isn’t it?

Additionally, one thing I have always been confused about regarding the six days of creation is that it was only on the fourth day that the sun, the moon, and the stars were created. I couldn’t understand how this could have been done. With all honesty, the work and review of Barry Setterfield has shed some light on this. He presents a logical, scientific understanding of how this would have happened via the plasma model of creation. I would suggest that you read it if you are interested, as I cannot summarize it here.69[69] Setterfield, Barry. “The Earth before the Sun?” In Creation Week: Part 1. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Conclusion of the 6 Days

This section I can imagine has been very technical. It’s been filled with scientific data and discussions. However, I believe it doesn’t matter who you are, who is reading this work. I believe we’re all capable of understanding these things. As I shared in the overall story, I was one who, until ten years ago, never picked up a book. And look at the stuff I’m writing about today. I never could have imagined that ten years later I would understand such data.

What this means is that with the power and wisdom of Jesus Christ as your CEO, as your boss, all things are possible. All things can happen within the plan he has for your life. I believe anybody can understand all of this information, as it’s Jesus and his COO who open our minds to receive and to understand. I hope you’ve found this section very interesting and it’s given you something to consider in your own journey towards discovering the amazing benefits of joining the KoHeavenEarth company, with Jesus as your CEO.

In conclusion, when we read that the universe was created in six days and Jesus-Yahweh and Abba Father rested on the seventh, we can take this to be his word and truth. He has declared in the laws of time, six days they worked and one day they rested, giving us an example to live by in our daily lives as we go about our business. Nowhere will you find such a law or directive in the meaningless, pointless, and purposeless theory of evolution.

Lastly, the whole foundation of the creation account is founded on the authority of Jesus Christ. Of course, it was his management team that recorded it. Humanity took part in the journey with him in recording the things that this visionary had done. We don’t stand on our own authority to claim our own truth. We stand on his authority to claim his. While we’re not all perfect and we certainly misunderstand him often, it still has us looking to his authority on our origins, not that of humans who are filling us with their ideas of how they think we came into existence.

In the next section of Earth Version 1.0 I’d like to give a practical example in our daily lives how this creation week might look. And why this entire topic is maybe not as important as we have made it out to be when speaking about our future on the earth.

4. A Practical Example of Creation

I’d like to put all of creation into a more practical example which I think will help us wrap our heads around all of this. Let me take the example of a construction company building an apartment complex. The start date is January 2023. Let’s say the laws of the country state that after a building is complete, it needs to sit empty and settle for one year to make sure it’s safe for the residents.

Let’s say it’s a six-storey complex with twenty apartments per storey. It’s a big building. Assume that we build one storey over the course of one year. Hours and days pass, all within that year. This carries on until the six storeys are complete—a total of six years. Then it sits at rest for one year to settle. The construction company rests as well. Their work is done. Here’s what we can gather from this example.

Each year, there are different activities taking place. There is a lot of complexity happening. Each product or activity has different times needed depending on the complexity or the simplicity. Not everything will take exactly one year to complete on each floor. Furthermore, some parts of the work will take the full six years. Some developments might need to be duplicated in each year as they are specific to each floor: a repeat process. Some work will only be able to be completed once the entire building is in its last stage. So, in fact, we have different elements of time applying to the specific products and layers and floors over the course of the entire project.

Finally, it is done. Even though this has all been built over the course of seven years, we can ask, when is the correct starting time measured for the operations of the building? When is it recorded in the land registry as complete? In being able to count how old the building is as it ages? Well, it’s only when the entire building is settled and deemed safe to have people move in.

In this example, the certificate of completion would only be issued for January 2030. As the building matures and ages, we count the age of the building from the year 2030, not 2023. Of course, we completed some parts of the building in 2023. They’ll be much older than those done in 2029. The individual warranty of those product certificates will make this known. But the completed whole will only be deemed finished in 2030. This is, in fact, its genesis date for all land registries.

In this example, it has been completed over seven years in time. Yet no one would bicker over how much time it took to build the apartment complex. Finally, nobody cares other than those who have to warranty the individual products they need to service. The certificate of completion only counts after it’s all built, and the time is reckoned from that point onwards. In the construction industry, no one would reckon the age of a building based on its start date.

It will always be clear that time has passed. Work was done. Activities took place to bring it to completion. But it’s only at the end, when it goes into the land registry, that time even matters. Often projects in such cases run over their completion date. We may say it took longer to build. But the land registry will always take into consideration the completion date in the building’s age.

It’s a very interesting example. I have to say that as I was writing this, it helped me to realize a very important element about the creation of earth. That is: it doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter how long it took or the individual details. It’s nice to know. But it’s the finished product that shouts out and declares the beauty of our CEO Jesus and Abba Father. What matters is that we were created in Jesus Christ.

We were created to be pleasing to him and to have a relationship with him and our Abba Father. The blueprint states it took six orbital days and our creator rested on the seventh, according to the calculation of time during that creation week. This adds up to 2.18 billion atomic years of work. Yet at the beginning of the next week, all time then is calculated from our 24-hour orbital cycle, giving us our days.

We could say that the land registry for earth’s completion, which is found in the Bible blueprint, points to the certificate of completion being set around 4000 BC. The range most note today is between 4004 BC and 3840 BC. The proper age, then, of the earth according to the apartment building example would be approximately 5,900 years old. We now see that the overall time to complete this was in Jesus’s own time. It was a six day, plus a day of rest.

For those who want to go back and forth on this topic, that is fine. But for the future and in answering the purpose of the earth, it’s not the most critical topic. It’s only relevant if one is trying to “disprove” that there is a creator. All of this can only be done by the hands of intelligent design. All of this has come into being by a creator who has a grand plan for the earth. And specifically … for you!

Conclusions on Earth Version 1.0

I hope this Earth Version 1.0 section of the appendix has been enlightening for you to read. I’ve done my best to make it interesting given all the history, science, and data behind it. These topics are so important. I felt that I couldn’t leave it hanging, in that I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. Everything around us has been created in Jesus. He’s the beginning, and he’s the end of all creation.

As we have learned, there’s no way the earth could have been created first in chaos. The blueprint account doesn’t back this up, nor do Jesus’ own words. There’s no doubt that Jesus-Yahweh worked over six days to create everything in the heavens and on the earth and rested on the seventh day. There’s a statement from the apostle John about Jesus which is recorded as such:

This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.70[70] John 20:24-25 (New King James Version)

If it’s humanly possible to write so much about the thirty-three years of Jesus’ life to fill the world with books, one has to wonder if we’ve even scratched the surface in our scientific discoveries. There’ll always be open questions. Maybe it’s time to set aside the division. To aim to remove biases and have everyone work together. The great thing is that all of earth and its inhabitants have a purpose. That directs us to keep seeking, keep discovering, and to keep innovating to discover his majesty of our created universe.

In the greater blueprint plan for earth, this was Earth Version 1.0. It was only the beginning.

Earth Version 2.0

We now come to the time when earth was upgraded to version 2.0. As any good designer and creator could expect, the product would again at some point need an upgrade. We see that our architects knew that version 1.0 would only be possible for a short period. We read in the Bible’s blueprint text all that took place on earth during version 1.0. This is all recorded from the chapters of Genesis 1:3 to Genesis 7:11. The planned time for the upgrade to version 2.0 was in Genesis 7:11–12, where we read:

In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month on the twenty-seventh day of the month. On this day all the springs of the vast abyss broke forth, and the crevices of the heavens were opened, and the downpour was coming on the earth forty days and forty nights.71[71] Genesis 7:11

It was approximately 1,656 years after the formation of the KoAdam company72[72] Wright, David. “Timeline of the Flood.” Answers in Genesis, Mar 9, 2012. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. that this upgrade began. This was about a one-year upgrade. This being from the time the waters broke forth until they subsided73[73] Faulkner, Dr. Danny R. “How Long Did the Flood Last?” Answers in Genesis, May 13, 2015. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. and the ark rested on Mount Ararat.74[74] “Where Noah Landed?” Biblical Archaeology Society, May 27, 2018. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

Version 2.0 of the earth is our current planet. As the apostle Peter shared in his writings, all that we see and know on the earth is from after the time of the global flood recorded in the Bible blueprint. This begins from roughly 1,657 years after Adam until the present day. It’s impossible to give an exact number, but I see that this versioning has been active for at least the last 4,300 years.

Earth Version 3.0

I believe, when we look at the process of how upgrades are performed, that we certainly need a period of time to pass while the upgrade is being accomplished. I shared a lot about this in Chapter 6. I won’t repeat it all. I’ll just restate that I calculate it will be at the end of the 1,000-year period that we can declare the upgrade complete.

The switch is flipped, and the earth and the heavens are all made new. Then, version 3.0 will last for as long as CEO Jesus and Abba Father planned it to last. Given that we look to have another 42,000 years at a minimum on the earth after the upgrade, we could see many upgrades coming. Not even in our wildest imaginations can we believe what we’ll see in the millennia to come. I’m so excited!

Why 12 Billion Population

Finally, I calculate we could have 12 billion people on the earth during this great upgrade. You may wonder how so.

Well, the answer comes down to mathematics. There’s an interesting physician and academic named Hans Rosling from Sweden. He studied statistics at Uppsala University. He presents a very valid statistical review which you can find on YouTube.75[75] Rosling, Hans. “Why the World Population Won’t Exceed 11 Billion.” YouTube and Dec 1, 2015. Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. His analysis shows that the earth’s population won’t grow to be over 11 billion people. And this is the real maximum it can reach. He makes a statement that this will peak at around AD 2100 and after this time, the population will fluctuate between 10–11 billion.

My proposal for the 12 billion is as follows. I’ve taken the numbers from Hans Rosling—that being that the maximum the earth will reach is 11 billion people. I’ve taken a clean number of an extra 1 billion people from all of earth’s history taking part in the first resurrection—this being when Jesus our CEO returns and provides the new bio-spirit tech bodies to his executive management team.

I could be very wrong here, but I’m going with 1 billion people having been deemed able to receive these rewards. This adds up to 12 billion people on the earth. My thought is that it could be much less. Maybe in reality only 250–500 million will reach executive management team status. Only Jesus knows what the exact number will be.

If we recall from Chapter 6, all those who didn’t join the KoHeavenEarth company and receive their new bio-spirit tech bodies will be in mortal bodies. This means that mankind will continue having children and increasing the population of the earth, which is a wonderful and hopeful thing for all families, peoples, and nations. It means, though, at the end of the 1,000-year upgrade, who knows how many people will be on the planet? Especially if the entire aging process grinds to a halt and everyone is living longer.

Anything is possible at the end of the great upgrade. But for the beginning, my view is that between 11.25 and 12 billion people will be on the planet in the early years of the 1,000-year upgrade.