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New Foundations Formed

The Next Phase Begins

When we read the entire blueprint plan, the language and various terms used in it are different from how I am writing it here. I want to use the proclamation of Jesus as the apostle Mark records in the following:

Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”1[1] Mark 1:14b–15 (New King James Version)


So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”2[2] Luke 4:16–19 (New King James Version)

We could say that Jesus declared that he had completed the recorded blueprints. Like any good blueprint, it’s when we can look back at it and see the progress that we can say, “Hey, these parts of the blueprint are complete; let’s move on.” Jesus was making such a statement. He declared, “People, I’ve completed this section of the blueprint now. Let’s enter the next stage. I’ve come for your heart and to set you free.”

Practically speaking, though, what does this look like? What does the Kingdom of God look like at hand and how does it impact us? This is good; I think you will like this a lot as we carry on with the story.

A New Company is Established

What follows is Jesus and Abba Father establish a new legal company to oversee and manage the earth. But not just the earth alone. In fact, they establish a whole new company structure for the entire universe. Previously, the head office of the Kingdom of Heaven Universe Ultd was in Heaven. It existed outside of time and space. This will now change.

They have established a new global and universal head office. This head office will now be located on earth. They are excited about this move. It will be fantastic. So you see the purpose and future of the earth is planned for the foreseeable future. It’ll be the head office of the new organization. The new company is called the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Unlimited (KoHeavenEarth company).

Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, Abba Father has declared Jesus as King over everything. Jesus is now promoted and declared CEO of the entire company and the entire universe. It’s now time for Jesus to bring the earth and the universe back into full restoration and unity with Abba Father, so that one day we will be truly—all in all—as we read in this declaration from the apostle Paul:

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.3[3] 1 Corinthians 15:20–22,24–28 (New International Version 1984) And each in his proper order, a first-fruit Christ, afterwards those who are the Christ’s, in his presence,4[4] 1 Corinthians 15:23 (Young s Literal Version) Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.

The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.3[3] 1 Corinthians 15:20–22,24–28 (New International Version 1984)

Jesus didn’t approach this process of reconciliation as something that was meant to be instant. It still requires the next stages of the overall blueprint plan. There’s a lot of time that still needs to pass.

What has happened is Jesus has let the Kingdom of Adam Ultd company remain active on the earth. All of humanity is born into this company, as it holds all of the sin-debts of the world. Everyone being born is born into organic tech which is infected with the virus of mortality and death. Everyone in this company is still weak against the seductiveness of sin because of this.

All in this company are under the rulers of the KoAdam company.

Now, there is fierce competition beginning about which company will have rulership over the earth. The KoAdam company wants to keep control and maintain their power over the earth. They are terrified of the work that Jesus is doing now. Their power is at risk. They don’t want to give it up. They love it and love oppressing the nations and peoples and putting them into hard slave labor to make themselves rich and wealthy at our expense. They don’t want us to see that it’s better in the KoHeavenEarth company where Jesus is the CEO. The blueprint gives us insight into this battle that is taking place:

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.5[5] Ephesians 6:12 (New Living Translation)

This competition is fierce. It’s worse than Google and Apple competing against each other for top-level employees. Which company do you want to work for? Which company is the best in the long run for you? The Kingdom of Adam Ultd has one set of company rules, and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Ultd has another and is vastly different. The competition heats up.

Jesus knows transition needs time and, in fact, he doesn’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to. We need to see and catch the vision for this new company and see that, long term, it really has so much more to offer. Long term, it offers life and life abundantly. There’s also a huge, huge bonus if you join the company during your active living life.

Those that joined Jesus and his vision joined the new company. These were the first employees and his executive management team. They’re all who we read about in the new blueprint plan who experienced Jesus physically on the earth. Jesus invited them by saying, hey, come and join me. Come and follow me.

When they did, they accepted the new company rules and the terms and conditions, and they joined the business. They entered life and life abundantly. There was also a retroactive company transfer for all those in the past who had maintained a relationship with Jesus when he was known as Yahweh Elohim and CTO, preparing the way for his organic tech birth.

Now, to be fair, one could look around and think, um, Jamie, what are you talking about? When we look around us, we do not see people walking around free of this sin, and we see people falling short of the glory of Abba Father every day. We don’t see anybody walking around in immortal bodies like Jesus did or in new bio-spirit tech bodies. What’s up with this? It looks like the Kingdom of Adam Ultd is ruling the earth and winning.

The Boss Goes on a Business Trip

Have you ever had a point in time in your job when your boss went away on a business trip? What was that like? Or maybe you work in a global company spread out across the world and your boss lives in a different city or even a different country. What is your current working environment like?

When I worked at HP/HPE Software I lived in Vienna, Austria. I had two bosses. One was my indirect manager. He was the sales director for the Central Eastern Europe region and lived in Zürich, Switzerland. The other was my direct manager. He was the director of the European sales operations team and lived in Stuttgart, Germany. Then later he left, and they replaced him with someone who lived in Barcelona, Spain. All the while, the head office was in Palo Alto, California with a huge team of people there.

I had times where I would go a week or two and never speak to my direct manager. I rarely saw him in person. Once a year, maybe, if I was lucky. Sometimes I wondered if he was even there anymore. It wasn’t necessary to see him to do my job and to know what I had to do for the company and its vision. He was doing work and managing the team, and he always knew how well I was doing even when I didn’t understand how he could know.

I had my monthly one-on-ones with him, where I had the ability to share where I was struggling in the role, or where I needed help to achieve what I needed to achieve. I also had the ability to speak to him whenever I needed and wanted to, if it was needed. He had to trust me. I had to trust him. As a manager, he wanted to see me succeed even though I never saw him in person. That’s the way it worked. The example of my life is, in fact, very similar to how the KoHeavenEarth company is working today.

Coming back now to the KoHeavenEarth company and our CEO, Jesus. The company has been a growing remote-work-based organization. Jesus set up the company. He put in place the first of the executive management team and set up the new company rules. Jesus defined the main roles that would be in the company. These roles in the blueprint are called apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. Every person takes one of these roles among their calling in life when they join the company.

What follows is Jesus shares with his team, “Okay team, this is how it’ll go. I’ve established this new legal company over the entire universe. There’s a lot of work coming in restoring the world back to Abba Father. Right now, we don’t have enough people. We’re too small a company for the work. We need at least 10 percent of those in the Kingdom of Adam to leave and to join this new company. In the first stage, we will not force anything on anybody. It’ll be an invitation with a huge, huge company bonus if they join.”

“Those that catch the vision, we invite them to join the team. I want you to go out into all the world and tell the people about this new company and all the benefits we offer. It’ll be tough, as the KoAdam company doesn’t want to let go of their slave labor. They’ll do everything in their power to steal, kill, and destroy you. So be ready for the fight ahead. As CEO, I have given you all authority. Spread this amazing news about the coming restoration and how the people can be a part of this company.”

He then explains to the team the following, as he says, “As Abba Father and I have restructured the company, I need to go to Heaven for a while on a special business trip. I need to prepare for the relocation of the head office. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to relocate the head office from Heaven to earth. After all, the reason I created earth was to one day move the head office there. I also need to prepare your new bio-spirit tech bodies that you’ll all receive once the head office relocation is complete. These will be known as your new homes. Only upon my return will you receive them. I tell you team; you’ll be blown away by the new bio-spirit tech bodies I’ve got for you.”

“When I come back, in an atomic millisecond you’ll all receive your new bodies. The new mansion for your spirit. Until that time, you’ll have to live in your current organic tech bodies. Whether you are dead at my coming return or if you are alive, all will get their new bodies at the same time. There’s no preferential treatment here. There’s no advanced release of the bio-spirit tech bodies. These bodies will be perfect, like I am perfect.”

The term Jesus uses in the blueprint plan is that he’s building his assembly. We read his statement that “I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. [church = Greek word ekklēsía (ἐκκλησία)]”6[6] Matthew 16:18b (New King James Version) The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Ecclesia/ekklesia as:

: a political assembly of citizens of ancient Greek states. Especially: the periodic meeting of the Athenian citizens for conducting public business and for considering affairs proposed by the council7[7] Dictionary, s.v. “ecclesia.” Accessed: Aug 5, 2023.

What’s been taking place over the last 2,000 years on earth is that Jesus has been calling out for his creation to join him. He’s calling people to leave the Kingdom of Adam company and join the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth company. He could do all the work himself. But he doesn’t want to. He wants to include us in it. That’s if we want to be a part of it. He could force it upon us. But he doesn’t want to. He wants to make it an invitation first. He wants us to join him in the great restoration and upgrade coming to the earth.

It’s been the plan all along that he needs a certain number of employees before he can begin the work. His company has been growing for the last 2,000 years and continues to grow. People of all walks of life and from all types of cultures are catching the vision and the glory of working with him, and there’s no question in their minds. He and Abba Father are the best family business on the planet to work for. There’s no comparison at all to the KoAdam company. Purpose, meaning, and life are all abundantly available as company benefits when one joins the KoHeavenEarth company.

Personal Time with the Boss

If you’re like me, you might have experienced working for a boss who changed your life. There was something special about them where you felt cared for. You always felt respected and you could see they were invested in you. They believed in you. Their desire was to see you succeed—not only in the company, but in life overall. It could be that during a specific season of your life you were going through a rough patch and they gave you some freedom to deal with life’s difficulties while still being able to maintain your job. If you’ve ever experienced this, then you know that this person was special. They were more than a boss. They became a friend. If you’re younger, maybe this is a teacher, mentor, or coach who does the same thing.

The amazing thing about being part of the KoHeavenEarth company is the personal nature and love that Jesus, as CEO, and Abba Father have for their employees. They love all their creation so much no matter what company you are in. Whether you are in the KoAdam company or in the KoHeavenEarth company, it doesn’t matter.

Yet … when we join the KoHeavenEarth company, a whole new level of relationship starts. The way Jesus talks and works with us is always changing as we grow to know him. One way is through dreams. I find when he speaks through dreams, it’s the one place I can be sure I have no control in starting the conversation. I’m asleep, and so it’s all in his hands to schedule these special one-on-ones.

I’d like now to share three specific one-on-ones I had with my boss and friend. They were unforgettable. I can tell you, it took my relationship with my boss, Jesus, to a whole new level.

First Dream:

I was in a room and it seemed like some people were trying to break in. There were three doors to this apartment. At the first door, I stopped them from breaking in. At the second door, I also stopped them, but just barely, and then at the third door they broke in. As I was in the room, these people were all standing before me.

I recall as I was sleeping, I felt this intense amazing burning in my heart. As these people stood before me, I looked to my right at a table and I saw a magazine on it. The magazine cover had a picture of Jesus on it with wide outstretched arms. At that moment, I realized who was standing before me. I could not look up but only fell flat to the ground, face down, worshipping the man Jesus before me. I could not see his face. I can’t describe the level of reverence, respect, and admiration I experienced.

It was so intense. It felt as well like a fire was burning my heart. In front of me, I was experiencing a Righteous, Holy, Reverent, and Majestic King and CEO. You never forget something like this. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The CEO of all CEOs. The God over all gods was standing in front of me. Oh my, it was the most amazing experience. As I woke, I felt the burning in my heart of his presence slowly fade as I went back to sleep.

Second Dream:

About a year later, I was in a room with a comical character like Herman Munster from the Munsters sitcom back in the 1960s. Yes, I know you are thinking what? But within the dream this person picked me up and carried me out to a beach. I remember being in his arms, but I was not an adult. I was a kid, maybe ten years old, and I just recall repeating over and over, “I love you; I love you.”

I recall it like it happened last night, but this occurred many years ago now. I recall experiencing the most overwhelming sense of joy. Joy times infinity is all I can say to describe it. At first, I thought this couldn’t have been Jesus, no way! It was so comical. But I learned later that he was showing me his funny side, as he is the creator of laughter and joy. So why not get comical sometimes, right? The point is, I was experiencing his amazing, unending joy.

Third Dream:

This happened in the wee morning hours of Friday, March 17, 2017, the morning of my fortieth birthday. I recall being with Jesus and this time he was now—get this—in form similar to the main character in Assassin’s Creed. Full-on warrior. Hooded head but with a beard, as in the movie or video game he doesn’t have a beard as long. He was a warrior you would not want to mess with in a dark alley.

What happened was that we sat on a park bench and he hugged me for a very long time. That’s it! I got a hug from him on my fortieth birthday. And what came from that hug was the most overpowering, most amazing, most indescribable experience of love. I mean, try to imagine the most perfect moment of love in your life. Now multiply that by one billion, now take that and multiply it by infinity. It changes you forever.


On that Sunday after my fortieth birthday, I was lying in bed thinking about these meetings we had, as they took place about a year from each other. I recall connecting the pieces—that through them all I experienced: (1) the Reverence of Jesus, (2) the Joy of Jesus, (3) the Love of Jesus.

It’s amazing to know that, as the boss and CEO of the KoHeavenEarth company, he’s a personal, hands-on manager and he wants an intimate relationship with me, his team member. In his eyes I’m irreplaceable and so valuable to him. Have you ever experienced feeling so valuable that it overwhelms you? He wants this with all those who become his employees. That’s how special we are to him. What an awesome boss.

We get all of him when we join the company.

The other side of this is also the challenging side. Which, I must be honest, is often tough. Really tough. Jesus accepts us as we are when we join the company. We can be a complete mess, but he loves us too much to keep us as we are. When we join the company, oh boy. I can tell you, get ready for a life of character refinement. As CEO, he begins the process of healing us from all the horrible effects of sin, a life of hard labor, and being filled with the lies from the KoAdam company.

His first focus is on healing all that needs to be healed within our hearts. Then, like with any company, we need to learn the ways of this new company. What’s the culture like? How does it function? What are the company rules, and how do we apply them in our lives and the tasks he has for us in our specific roles until he returns? There’s a lot to learn and grow into. It’s a lifelong journey until either we grow old and die or he returns while we are still alive. Which is now my great hope.

It’s quite an interesting journey one takes when they join the KoHeavenEarth company. For all that it entails, I wouldn’t go back to the KoAdam company at all. Never! The benefits of the KoHeavenEarth company are priceless. I want to be part of the executive management team that drives the great upgrade of the earth. I don’t want to miss any of this at all.

How to Join the KoHeavenEarth Company

Have you ever tried applying to a company that you thought was amazing and your heart was set on doing all you could to get into the company, even completing multiple applications and attempts? But for whatever reason, the response was always the same. For example, we don’t feel you’re the right person for the job. Or even harsher: we don’t believe you’re the right fit for the company. Ouch! That hurts. What does that even mean? Not the right fit for the company? It’s not like they’ve even had a conversation with me to know that I’m not the right fit.

I had this experience with two companies here in Vienna. Over the years, I applied to at least five different positions within each. I couldn’t even get a telephone interview. It was merely you’re not the right fit for the company. I found it all very frustrating. You know you have the skills and capabilities and are of value. But you just can’t seem to meet the company’s criteria.

Is it this way with joining Jesus and the KoHeavenEarth company? I would say no. As I shared in the previous section, we can come and join the company in any condition or shape we are in. We don’t have to be perfect to join. In fact, it’s truly come as you are. However, expect great joy and at times pain, as Jesus from that point onwards will begin to transform your life. Character refinement can be painful at times. Yet it always produces wonderful results and fruit in your life.

So how does a person join? How does a person change companies? How does one leave the KoAdam company and join Jesus in the KoHeavenEarth company? Are there different management levels within the company? How does the company performance review work?

The blueprint lays this out in depth. Essentially, it’s accepting the rules and the terms and conditions of the company. It’s that simple. We just need to declare we agree with the company rules. These rules are:

  1. Understand that, being born into the KoAdam company, we’ve all individually sinned in that we’ve missed the mark of Abba Father’s perfection. We fall short of his perfection.
  3. Agree that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sin and the virus of mortality and death. It’s a gift he has given us. We can’t save ourselves from this virus. Nor can we pay the debt ourselves with our own wealth.
  5. Finally, we agree and accept the gift of forgiveness of the sin-debts we have racked up during our lives as employees of the KoAdam company. Jesus paid the original sin-debt of Adam and Eve. But he also paid all of our personal sin-debts from our time in the KoAdam company. So we need to accept this wonderful forgiveness of the debt, knowing that it’s wiped out forever.

And that’s it! When you say yes and agree to the terms and conditions, Jesus says, yeah, awesome, my father and I welcome you into our company. You’re now part of the family business. You’re valuable and irreplaceable to us. You’re now joining me as a son to Abba Father. We’ve some amazing work to do. I’ve transferred you out of the KoAdam company, and now you’re part of the KoHeavenEarth company. Your debts are paid. You work for me now. I’ll train you and get you ready for the day we upgrade and restore the earth and everything in it. Are you ready?

This is the agreement billions of people have already made all around the world. It’s so simple. It’s a decision I’ve never regretted. If you want to make such a decision for yourself, please review for more info Appendix 2: How to Join the Company for the exact steps you can take to join.

Join the Executive Management Team of KoHeavenEarth

When one looks at all the companies in the world today, we see layers of management. We have the owner-operators, the management team, and then the employees. What differentiates the three? In most cases, those who have reached management have gone above and beyond to educate themselves and gain experience.

They have a desire to take on more responsibility. Responsibility is the key word here. Now, this doesn’t mean normal employees aren’t important. It’s just that there’s a different drive in each person.

I recall, when I was at my company, I was fine with just being an individual contributor. I didn’t want to become management. Sometimes people just want to do their job and that’s it. They don’t want the extra responsibility that a management position requires of them. Which is also okay.

Further, what you find is the more responsibility you have in a company, the deeper your relationship will be with the owner and CEO. It’s through relationships that trust builds between two people. When I was at Micro Focus, I had no contact or relationship with our CEO. In fact, I could say I didn’t even want to have contact with the CEO. Therefore, at the executive level there’s a need for a strong mix of relationship, trust, and experience.

How then, does this work at the KoHeavenEarth company? Well, these same characteristics of responsibility, gaining experience, and relationship exist. Especially with Jesus, it’s all about relationship. If he doesn’t know you intimately, how can he trust you to do the job? In the KoHeavenEarth company there’s also top management. These are the executive management teams.

The structure isn’t like what we have in a normal corporate company, though. There’s a difference. In the KoHeavenEarth company, the difference between someone as executive management versus anybody else is all dependent on their relationship to Jesus. Your age doesn’t matter at all. There’s flat management in the KoHeavenEarth company. There is Jesus, then everybody else. Yet within the everybody else, there can be those who achieve a higher reward at some point in their lives. Nobody is to rule over the other in practice. This is not the way Jesus manages. Ruling over others is specifically what Jesus was against.

As I shared, anybody can join the company when they accept the terms and conditions. However, once in the company, it’s up to us what kind of employee we want to become. Some desire to reach executive management and some don’t. Some might not even realize there’s a difference in the KoHeavenEarth company. This is also why I’m writing this section of the book.

The blueprint reveals to us that it’s a reward to achieve executive management status. In fact, it’s Jesus himself telling us these things. In the book of Revelation, chapters 2 and 3, Jesus is speaking to the entire KoHeavenEarth company.8[8] Revelation 2-3, Matthew 1–13, 1 Corinthians 15:23 He’s saying to all in the company that there are specific rewards available to those who “overcome.” Other terms used in the blueprint call the executive management team the first fruits or the remnant.

I’ll be honest; this section has been very difficult to write. My heart’s desire is for us to consider that there are rewards available to us once we join the KoHeavenEarth company. Rewards that only come to those who overcome, who grow toward being ready to manage the company. I desire that none would miss these rewards. The reward is excelling and joining the executive management team. When you join this team, you get to take part in leading the great 1,000-year upgrade with Jesus.9[9] Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:4–6 (Concordant Literal Version) You get the privilege of being the first among the entire company to receive your new bio-spirit tech body when Jesus returns. This is the highest level of success and reward one can reach in the company.

Then how does one go about working for this reward? Some of the criteria I see laid out in the blueprint are no different from what I shared earlier. Those criteria include relationship, trust, and growing in experience and maturity. This means we need to have a deep, personal, and intimate relationship with Jesus, our CEO. We work to develop experience in understanding how the company works. What are the company rules and how do they function? This is growing in responsibility with the CEO as he leads us. Finally, I understand that an important part of the journey is growing in humility and living a life of forgiveness of all those around us. These aspects make up a journey of character refinement that Jesus undertakes with us.

I see these as guidelines. The reality is, no human will ever be able to make such a declaration of who achieves what. I’ll say only Jesus will be able to share with you how you’re doing. He looks at our hearts and not what we see from the outside. Only he truly knows our hearts and where we stand with him. I encourage anyone who is part of the KoHeavenEarth company to bring this topic up with him in your next one-on-one and let him speak to you further about it.

Present Life as Part of KoHeavenEarth Company

It’s probably becoming clear that this great upgrade of the earth is some future event, though not as far away as some may think. I’ll speak more about this in Chapter 6. What then, does it look like if one decides they want to join the KoHeavenEarth company now while they are alive and kicking? I have explained some of the things that take place in this chapter, like healing the heart from the effects of having lived and worked for the KoAdam company.

One thing for sure is that the slate is clean. Your past is the past. And that’s where Jesus leaves it. All debts are paid. Permanently. Forgotten in history. This can be freeing for many people.

Otherwise, I can say joy and peace in the surrounding madness is something one will experience. Peace is one thing that I know many people seek, and this will become a regular part of your life. Your heart and your whole being are transformed into the likeness and mind of Christ Jesus. We’ll fight against the refining process. But it gets easier as time goes by and the effects of life in the KoAdam company are diminished.

What he’s taught me is he’s more concerned about our character than anything else. He’s first in the business of healing the broken-hearted and any brokenness one might have in their life as the starting point. It doesn’t happen all at once, but step by step. This healing process, depending on your life experiences, can take years, even decades. He sees hurts in our lives that we don’t even realize are there.

Once a person joins the company, the best I can say is, “All things are possible.” One begins to love others in a way you never thought possible, to care about people in a way that is honest as one becomes more and more refined by him. As one learns the ways of the company, we begin to hate lies and love truth as we are opened to the truths of Jesus’ KoHeavenEarth company and its rules and laws. All things are possible.

In fact, this is now a personal relationship with Abba Father and Jesus, not just an employee-boss relationship. One starts to discover the given talents and gifts that they have formed and designed within you. Every single person has a role and a purpose in their life to be lived out while they are alive. It’s a work and a task that only belongs to you. There’s a purpose and a calling only you can fulfill. Nobody else can do it. Therefore, you’re irreplaceable in Jesus’ eyes. I can’t speak for your purpose, but your new boss will know exactly what great task and work you were created and designed for.

The truth is Jesus fills us with ideas and solutions to the world’s current problems—solutions which the Kingdom of Adam will never want us to find. He has been doing this for the last 6,000 years if we take a moment to look around us. Liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of purpose all lead us to seek Jesus for the solutions he wants to give every one of us. Who knows what solutions to the world’s problems lie in your mind that the world is eagerly waiting for you to release? As a member of the KoHeavenEarth company, what kinds of KoHeavenEarth tech, KoHeavenEarth businesses, KoHeavenEarth solutions, KoHeavenEarth culture, or KoHeavenEarth art are prepared for you to release? Wow, I am excited for you to find these out.

Sometimes, Jesus might just keep you exactly where you are. This might include the job you’re in now, as you’re already involved in your calling and purpose. It’s interesting and it sounds crazy, but sometimes Jesus will contract you out for a period to the rulers of the KoAdam company. In doing this, you bring the KoHeavenEarth company culture into the world around you. In doing this, you gain skills and wisdom of how not to do things. Then one day, he calls you to work directly for him in some work that can only be done the way he wants you to drive that work.

What calling you to work for him directly looks like is limitless. It could be to establish your own company and become an employer. You then impart change through business. It could be calling you to move countries. The options here are truly limitless as to what this could look like for your life. Often, though, it’s to establish something new or to bring change and solutions to problems you learned about while in regular employment.

This is what has happened to me recently. Jesus had me contracted out to the KoAdam company for fifteen years, gaining skills and knowledge. I had a regular income from the KoAdam company economic system. Then he began preparing me, letting me know that one day soon I would step into self-employment and create my own company, planning to work for him directly. In this case, I now rely on him for my finances and begin a new stage of refining on the financial level by trusting in the KoHeavenEarth economic system to meet my daily needs here on earth.

I can tell you, it was a terrifying leap. It still is at times because I don’t always have the full clarity as to the next step. This is where further refining of trusting him continues—at least for me at the moment. But for all of those who have made such a leap, it’s also extremely rewarding.

I believe a good follow-up to this book can be to read the following two books: (1) The Pulse of Christ: A Fivefold Training Manuel, by Nathan Brewer.10[10] Brewer, Nathan. The Pulse of Christ: A Fivefold Training Manual. (100 Movements, Jan 22, 2020). Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. This book walks a person through discovering their gifts within the five roles that the KoHeavenEarth company is structured around: apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. Every person has a gifting in one of these areas. (2) Called to Create, by Jordan Raynor.11[11] Raynor, Jordan. Called to Create. (Baker Books, Nov 7, 2017). Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. This book is about learning how entrepreneurship and creativity are ways of complimenting Abba Father, loving others, and building the KoHeavenEarth company with Jesus.

I enjoyed this book, and it helped me to understand the purpose of work and a calling. In the book, there is a quote that I want to close this section with from a talk between Peter Thiel and the well-known theologian N. T. Wright. Wright is commenting on a sentence from the apostle Paul found in 1 Corinthians 15:58:12[12] Wright, N. T. Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church. (New York: HarperCollins, 2008), 193.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord [Jesus], for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.13[13] 1 Corinthians 15:58 (New Living Translation)

What Wright says about the blueprint recording:

What you do in the present—by painting, preaching, singing, sewing, praying, teaching, building hospitals, digging wells, campaigning for justice, writing poems, [creating jobs, driving people around as a taxi driver, serving coffee at the local café, starting a business, designing, etc.] caring for the needy, loving your neighbor as yourself—will last into God’s future. These activities are not simply ways of making the present life a little less beastly, a little more bearable, until the day when we leave it behind altogether. They are part of what we may call building for Gods Kingdom.11[11] Raynor, Jordan. Called to Create. (Baker Books, Nov 7, 2017). Accessed: Aug 5, 2023. [In brackets include my own additions. N.T. Wright is also one that speaks greatly about the fact Heaven is coming to invade Earth. Not us going up to heaven and leaving the earth one day.]

Therefore, if someone decides they want to join the KoHeavenEarth company and take Jesus as their CEO, everything that person does will lead them to lay various foundations of something good for the coming return of Jesus and the relocation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth company to earth. None of your work will be found to have no value. Each step you make will be of significance. The fun part then begins: discovering your purpose with Jesus and with your new colleagues and teammates all around the world. The possibilities are unlimited. Just like the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is an unlimited company.